JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Darryl: No, I didn't have a problem. Ralph: The inmates were not agressive nor violent with
me. They asked me to help them with their GED
work, as I was in garduate school. Actually,
they asked me to do it for them, but I offered
to do it with them, and ended up tutoring some
of them. They were nice to me. They helped me
survive the experience. Cheryl: It wasnt hard to get along with the inmates most
of us knew eachother some way or another
occationaly you would encounter someone who didnt
like you and most the time they just talked shit
and that was it as long as you just focused on
your self and kept busy it was easy
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Darryl: I have been locked up a lot of times. Try to get
along. If you don't get along with somebody just
don't talk to them. Ralph: Be nice, be friendly, but not too friendly. Cheryl: you just stayed out of other peoples business
didnt act too friendly with the gaurds and just
did your daily retuin and if someone said
something to you you say something back 90% of the
time the girls were all talk but if you just sat
there and didnt talk shit back you became more of
a target
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Darryl: Yes, once and a while they let you. Ralph: I have over 21 different cellmates in 48 days
because I was a rare person in max security
(where all inmates with comepetency cases are
held) but not accused of a violent crime. So
they put cell mates with me who were just being
bonded out. The longest I had a cell mate was 5
days. Many times I had 2-3 cellmates in an 8 by
8 room, with 1 or 2 sleeping on the floor, and 2
more in the bunks. Cheryl: most of the time I got to choose my cellmate I was
classed as SMAN and MAX so they could only house
me with people of the same class than I was put to
be housed alone