Interview with PJ, Katherine, Jimmy, Baldy, Max, Karen, Richard and Danielle
JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. PJ: No I was very lucky that I didn't attract a
bully's attention Katherine: No I did not. I got along with every one. I was
well liked more like an entertainer but i was
not there to make friends. Jimmy: yes Baldy: Some of em, many are hard core thieves,
murderers, rapists, etc... they got a point to
prove Max: One inmate was the tp guard's nephew. They
brought him in beer,hookers and who knows what
else. When they knew that I found out I was put
in the "bubble" for 16 straight days and
threatened constantly. The guards even tried to
get me jumped by promising to put money into
inmates account. Karen: I only interacted with a couple of them, but all
of them had lice, there were a few w/sores saying
they had MRCA and staff and scabies yet the jail
refuses to treat then that place is DISGUSTING.
Yes I did witness fights and lesbian activity in
there the guards are worthless! Richard: no,i always found other things to keep myself
occupied like chess or cards or working out in
the cell or walking laps around the day room or
taking a shower Danielle: im not a people person but i got along with
those that i spoke with. i mostly kept to myself
and stayed on my bunk. i was a trustee so i
worked alot also
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? PJ: I did everything as I was told. I only spoke
enough to give short sentence replies. I kept
pretty much to myself. Katherine: Read books, watch TV or play card games or
something. Or just dont say anything at all. Jimmy: mind your own business Baldy: i just try to keep to me self, and wait on
nothing but time Karen: I just stayed on my bed and too myself Richard: try not to disrespect anyone, treat everyone the
same and try to keep yourself occupied and stay
out of everyones personal buisness because the
main thing to stay focused on is getting
yourself out of trouble and staying focused on
your own time to do before you re eneter the
world Danielle: not a whole lot. if i had a problem i just told
the guard to pull me out of the dorm for a
while.ive been locked up almost every year since
i was 18. i know alot of the guards and they
know i dont cause problems.if i get mad then
they know there is a good reason.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? PJ: no Katherine: No not really. Jimmy: yes Baldy: why would i choose an inmate? for what? to be
heck no... Max: No Karen: No we were all in a big room beds side by side Richard: no. they would change very often as people would
bond out or get transferred to other pods or
tents within the jail or transferred to prison
on the transport vans Danielle: no we didnt have cells. we were in an open dorm
with bunk beds and single beds. about 24 or 28
bunk beds and like 25-30 singles. but i was able
to choose who was beside me.