Interview with PJ, Katherine, Jimmy, Baldy, Max, Karen, Richard and Danielle
JM: How many meals did you get per day? PJ: 3 Katherine: 3 meals a day. Jimmy: 3 Baldy: 3 Max: 3 Karen: n/a Richard: 2 meals and a paper bag lunch Danielle: we got 2 hot meals and 1 bag lunch
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. PJ: It was edible Katherine: Nasty. Makes you stay hungary in there cause
they dont give you very much on a tray. Jimmy: terrible Baldy: on a scale from 1 to 10 ........with 10 being
the best..........Brevard County Jail gets a 1. Max: -9 Karen: I wouldnt feed it to a dog-unedible I bet theres
lots of cases of food sickness in there it looks
bad it smells bad its just GROSS Richard: it is absolutely awful,they do not even give you
enough of a portion to keep your stomach from
growling.if you do not eat slowly and take your
time you will get sick because of all the
imitaion and soy products they use in their
food.the food at sharpes is horrible Danielle: some of the food was ok none of it was great
though. no salt or pepper. if you worked in the
kitchen you could talk a guard into salt. they
grow alot of the veggies on the sheriffs work
farm down the road from where we are. about a 6.5
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? PJ: mashed potatoes and chicken Katherine: None. Didnt like any of it. Every dinner was
grounded turkey is all you get..even leftovers
and every lunch was Peanut butter and jelly and
bologna sandwhich if thats what you want to call
it. And every breakfast was a boiled egg and
grits. Jimmy: i liked the chicken sandwhiches Baldy: nothing, we hafta make our own taco's. Max: nothing good Karen: I dint eat Richard: yes the bag lunch because at least you know what
you are eating sandwiches and a bag of chips and
juice Danielle: i had no favorite meals at all! the tacos were
good.the salad was the best because the guys
would giuve us extra dressing
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? PJ: no Katherine: absolutly not. Jimmy: commencary Baldy: yeah if you have commisary money Max: not for me Karen: no and I believe you have to be in there at leadt
30 days before you are offered commisary? could
be wrong Richard: no other snacks outside of meals at the facility
but you could order from a pretty decent
commissary list at sharpes i think their
commissary list is one of the best i have seen
in the state Danielle: there was comissary but if you owed medical
money or booking fees tif you got money in your
accout they would take theres first. we had
icare packages where we could get coffee and
snacks but no clothes. you had to buy clothes
off the regular comissary