Interview with PJ, Katherine, Jimmy, Baldy, Richard, Danielle, Max and Karen
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: PJ: There was not much of a pre-sentencing process
because it was a driving related charge. Katherine: Well there wasnt one really. I spent most of my
time just waiting to go to court. Jimmy: violated probation after getting caught with a
sat in their for 3 months before sentencing Baldy: It was the awfullest thing Ive ever imagined. Richard: you get put into a holding cell, usually fed
once between booking photos and
also receive a blanket to lay on the holding
cell floor.then you get screened by a nurse to
see where the deputies at the jail are going to
house you until you go to court. Danielle: this was actually really chaotic. the public
defenders office is so overbooked that you cant
call them on the phone from the jail because
they are never in the office.the only time you
see them is when you go to court. then tnhey
want you to take your first plea which is
absolutely rediculous and always involvers jail
time or prison.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. PJ: no Katherine: No. The only time they stopped by my house was
tp pick me up on 3 different warrants 3
different times they came and they waited Untill
i got bailed out and then the last time i just
coulndt afford to get out again. Jimmy: no was in jail Baldy: No I would have got away if they did that Max: DUI Richard: no the police did not stop by my house for
questioning.i was homeless in titusville florida
at the time of the incident.i was sleeping in
the passenger seat of a friends car in a
walgreens parking lot without his girlfriends
consent drinking alcohol in the parking lot of
the store Danielle: no the police didnt come to my house. i was
arrested while i was driving on a suspended
license which then revoked my felony probation
which inturn onsite violated my probation.then i
was booked into melbourne polce dept and was
then transported to bcdc after about a 9 hour
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. PJ: The judge explained the offense to me. I had a
choice if I wanted a lawyer to represent me. I
entered my plea of guilty. Katherine: Horrible because nothing happened. They just
kept setting my court date further and further. Jimmy: everyone was the same shackled up in a holding
cell talking to my attorney telling me how much
time im facing Baldy: very routine, long waiting process, and hardly
people friendly Max: Bond Hearing Karen: It was a long drawn out process, sat in holding
cells and courtroom what seemed to be FOREVER! Richard: sometimes it can be nerve racking when you are
originally charged with a felony it also takes
hours and hours in the holding cell before you
get into the courtroom, you are handcuffed to
yourself and behind a glass wall when seeing the
judge and then you get fingerprinted before
going back to the pod Danielle: therer was about 30 plus inmates waiting to seee
the judges.that was just upstairs. there was a
good 30 more downstairs waiting. attys and
public defenders were running around like crazy
trying to make pleas for everybody. if you
diodnt take the plea then you would come back to
court 1-2 months later.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Max: DUI Karen: Original charges were battery, but they were
dropped because they were FALSE to begin with Richard: i was originally charged with burglary to
vehicle and ended up being convicted of
trespassing Danielle: driving on suspended license with knowledge
felony violation of probation