Interview with James, Charles, Doug, Nick, Erik, Edwin, Will, Rickey, Lee, David, Ann and Scott
JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? James: Get a good private lawyer, clear your name, and get OUT of
Broward (really all of Florida). Charles: before getting locked up throw on a sweater, two
tall t-s and a white pair of shoes with no metal
in them. Doug: Your f*ed and you might not survive
incarceration. Nick: That if your quiet and keep yourself busy with
reading and writing, also start exercising all the
time. Your time should go by relatively quick.
Also talking on the phone. Erik: I would want them to visit as often as possible
and to try to keep money on the inmates account
wait for them outside when release to avoid added
stress Edwin: Just to stay positive whether you are
guilty or not. The system isn't perfect
but it truely can be a lot worse.. you dont
have any friends in jail everyone there
has their own problems ... Will: I would say if you can do the crime you can do
the time but I would not wish the experience on
my worst enemy the Broward County Jail is a
horrible place that only breeds more horror. Rickey: dont go do better Lee: The place is nowhere to spend your life going in
and out of, but it's not as bad as a lot of
folks makes it out to be either. Simply put,
mind your business and you'll be fine. David: The Broward County Jail charges a $15.00 booking
fee and $2.00 a day for housing while you are
incarcerated there. Because of this most people
can't afford commissary because they
automaticaly deduct $14.00 a week from your
Ann: expect for them to be there for a little while if
they dont have a postable bond,visits are not
guranteed and your phone bills are going to be very
high Scott: i wouldnt want any of my friends or family going
into any jail but i heard gunclub was the worst
cause i was in broward county for possesion of
marihuana and it wasnt as bad
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? James: In addition, just a comment. Sherriff Navarro fed inmates much
better(taste and portion) and he also supplied basic cable TV.
Having those added to the peace. Hopefully all of Florida will
make their jails/prisons more rehabilitative because all the
facilities are just a warehouse of criminals. The system is a big
revolving door. While incarcerated inmates just become better
criminals by far. With criminal records it is very hard to get a
white collar/high paying job, the releasees make so much more
money selling crack. Look at this(to prove my point): On the PRR
list of crimes that will give you 20 years per se does not list
cocaine or crack dealing. You know why, because that's where
the majority of the money is coming from. I'd guess that close to
if not more of the money received by any part of the corrections
is in some way rooted to crack. All the money that convicted
dealers have at arrest is forfeited. The majority of Positive drug
tested VOPs are positive for drugs. The money sent to the
inmate for commissary often comes from other crack dealers, or
from items sold that were obtained from crack dealing. If a
prison release steals a $1500.00 Bicycle, they'll do 10 years FSP
Mandatory, But a crack dealer will probably get probation. Why?
So the money keeps pouring in to the system. Also, if you have
money when arrested it is almost impossible to sign it out to
somebody. I personally was arrested one time with $500.00. I
filled out the voucher to give "all funds" to my mom. It was
refused and I was told that I needed to write exact amount.
When I wrote"$350.00" it was refused because it had to be the
total funds. Basically when the voucher is received by personnel,
the numerical amount that HAD to be written in numbers, HAD
to match the full amount in the BSO computer. This is
impossible because you don't know how many days will pass
before your dollars written will be processed (BSO charges daily
fees, charges for meds) so you'll never get it right. Technically
you are able to sign out your money, but BSO makes it
impossible to do. Charles: Don't get locked up. Nick: That if your quiet and keep yourself busy with
reading and writing, also start exercising all the
time. Your time should go by relatively quick.
Also talking on the phone. Mind your business. Erik: I would tell that person to just keep to
themselves and take everything as a punishment
like it should be don't go around complaining
because your there to be punished Edwin: If you have to serve time, just do it don't
let the time do you ... you know one day
you will be coming home. dont let no
one or nothing take that away from you. Will: follow the rules stick to your self do not make
something your business if it is not your
business do not loan anything do not borrow
anything do not ask a bunch of questions and
wait your turn for everything Rickey: stay to yourself Lee: Mind your business, stay out of the way of
trouble makers when you can and just treat it
like what it is, a learning experience. no need
to try to be something you're not. David: Keep to your-self and avoid the knuckle heads
when you can. If and once you become county
sentenced become a trustee or get into some
education classes so that you can stay busy,
it's eaiser to stay out of trouble that way. Ann: try to keep to yourself,,educate your self on the
charges you are accused of and try to find you self
a way out legally,,or stay in your room and dont
talk to anyone Scott: for them just to listen to the officers and do
not assocoiate yourself with other inmates cause
alot of people just like to start problems with
you or act like they are better then you
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Nick: Conte facility and main jail. Erik: Atlantic County Edwin: I've done time no where else ... Will: I was at Charlotte Correctional Institution Rickey: conte Lee: Joseph B. Conte, Lee county jail, Dade
correctional, Hardee correctional, South Bay
correctional, Sumter correctional, Lake Butler
RMC. David: Potter County Jail in Amarillo, Texas
Lubbock County Jail in Lubbock, Texas Ann: prison Scott: broward county
and gunclub