Interview with James, Charles, Doug, Nick, Erik, Edwin, Will, Rickey, Lee, David, Ann and Scott
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: James: It was so long. In January of 2006 I requested a VOP hearing, and I
was postponed for 5 months by the Judge. It took 6 months for my
lawyer to get a depo from the victim. Charles: Two months, no charges declared, should of been
released after 44 days without charges. Doug: I was locked up for violation of probation with
new drug charge, poss with intent oxycodone. I
had a prescription for the medication and it was
in the bottle tha the pharmacy gave me. The
police dumped the meds out of the bottle and
charged me for poss with intent after my
girlfriend gave me $40 that she owed me in a bar
parking lot. No pills were give to the girl as
they were in my glove compartment the whole
time. The police saw her give me money so they
made up a story that I was selling them and they
disposed of the bottle. The police also would
not let me get my cell phone out of my car or
anything else. All my friends phone numbers were
programed in the phone. Everything was stolen
out of my car after it was towed witch is normal
including my cell phone. I was unable to contact
witnesses or provide proof to the court of my
innocence. The police lied on the report. My
probation officer lied in court also saying that
I probably obtained the medication illegaly even
though she had been given a copy of the
prescription. She told me I could have the meds
as long as I had a prescription for it 2 months
earlier. I have worked as an x-ray tech for 20
years and in court my probation officer stated
that I was a danger to patients and was probably
stealing narcotics from the hospitals where I
worked. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
I have no access to drugs in the hospital and I
valued my job. I made alot of money with my job
and did not need to sell drugs to pay my bills.
I was making $23 to $28 an hour. My probation
officer also called one of my jobs and told them
that I was using and selling cocaine and got me
fired. I was astonished at how corrupt the
justice system is in Florida. At my job we deal
with people that have to tell the truth in order
to get proper treatment. I was completly honest
with my probation officer. She took everything I
said out of context and told outright lies to
the court. I was sent to prison for 16 months
for my prescription medicine prescribed to me by
my doctor. I need a hip replacement right now
and live in terrible pain. I have 2 herniated
disc in my back and need surgery for that as
well. I will never come back to Florida as long
as I live. When I was in jail alot of police and
sheriffs from Broward county were also in jail
on corruption charges. Cops are nothing more
than crooks with badges and guns. Nick: I was charged with DUI. I asked for anti
depressant medication. Because of this I was put
in a mental health cell and was sent to North
Broward. Where I was in a unit that had no doors
and many people who had severe mental disorders.
The inmates would scream through the night and
keep me awake. Erik: well the pre sentencing was rough, you get moved
around every 4 hours to random locations
throughout the jail then on the second day your
there you get taken to one of the other jail
facilities and the whole time you never get more
than 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep, its really
barbaric. Edwin: In my situation it was very nerve racking.
The charges I was being held on required
me posting a bond. So I sat in jail until
my next two court dates. It was at that
time it was discussed if I pled guily too
the charges . That the judge would
considere time served.
consconsider Will: Basically we just sat in the
cell like in a glass and
metal fish bowl while people
argued and fought over
newspapers and TV shows.
Three was a lot of racial
tension and whites were the
underdog. Their food and
commissary was stolen
regularly and they were
seldom given newspapers and
all TV shows were black. Rickey: took very uncomfortable Lee: Several court dates and long waites beffore
sentencing. Since the system was and still is so
over crowded, without the services of a privat
attorney every process seems to take a whole lot
longer than it really should. Inmates wait over
a year for court some times, or they're posponed
a lot. David: Booking process thkes about eight hours, at that
time you are put in a two tier holding tank on
the second floor with about one hundred other
people. You are given a blanket and mattres and
must find a place on the floor becacse all of
the bunks are full. There are free phones so
people can reach bondsmen etc. From this cell
you will attend your majistrate/bond hearing and
afterwards be moved to either floor
4,5,6,7,8,9,or 10 depending on the nature of
your charge. People with more serious charges
tend to be placed on higher floors. Ann: its where they gather up all the information on
your case and your prior convictions and decide a
proper sentence for you,decide all and or
mitigating factors,see if you are able to stand
trial,file all preliminary motions,motion of
discovery so that you can find out the exact
charges against you Scott: My license got suspended for unpaid tickets and
never had money to get my license fixed so i
just kept driving but did not have my license so
i got pulled over and was arrest for driving
with out a licesnce over five times then went to
court and got a lawyer
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. James: Yes. Charles: Yea, even after I got out of broward, was
extradited to palm beach, they knock on my door
like where the fuck am I? MY people had to tell
them Im still in jail. Doug: no Nick: I was driving at a high rate of speed down a
residential street. My car had lost control and
had turned over in front of someone's house. The
police arrived and was asked to do a sobriety
test. I had refused because of the trauma I had
just been through. Then I was placed under arrest. Erik: yes the police came to my house because I had not
gone to see my p o for over 3 months and a
violation had been issued so one night the police
came to my house and knocked on my door my sister
answered and they came into my back yard where I
was and arrested me Edwin: I was driving from a friends house on my
way home when of got pulled over. They
said I was speeding but I wasn't. They
searched my car and hauled me off to
jail. Once I was downtown that's When
They told me what I was charged with
and what my bond was... Will: The police were by my house
several times and they
harassed my family and tried
to get them to convince me to
incriminate myself with
confessions of crimes I
didn't commit our have
knowledge of. They accused me
and threatened me like I was
some mass criminal. They also
assaulted me when they
arrested me. Rickey: no Lee: No, I was arrested in the act of comiting my
crime for which I was incarcreated for. Since I
could not afford both money for bail and an
affecting attorney I chose to sit there in jail
so that I could havesufficient representation.I
would have been there a lot longer had I not. David: Was arrested on a possession of cocaine charge.
It was a situation where I was caught in a
reverse sting. I was sold drugs by a undercover
police officer who was posing as a drug dealer.
I was hand cuffed and put in the back of a panel
truck until they had the truck full enough to
take to the police station. Ann: i was arrested by a traffic stop,which lead to a
search of the vehicle,where prescription drugs
with a valid prescription were in my possesion,it
was in the time of the big pill mill problem of
south florida, i was unable to provide detailed
dates and times for my doctors visits,which
resulted in an arrest Scott: no there was not police that came to my house i
got arrested because i was pulled over numerous
of times driving on a suspened license i got
warnings and warnings but still kept driving on
a suspended license even when i wasnt suposs to
so after i think the 5th time i got arrested
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. James: After you give up your right to a speedy trial, it is just
continuation after continuation. Going to court is the BIGGEST
torture of Broward County. Inmates are woken up between 3-
4am and start a LONG process of waiting. Inmates with private
lawyers see the judge quick, but the have been times that I've
waited until 5pm before I left the holding cell. I feel that the
system tortures you so much, that when a plea is offered by the
state, people just take it to stop the torture of going to court. Charles: In broward? Public Defendant was useless, handled
my own case. In palm beach due to the
complications of multiple county probation I hired
a lawyer who I was familiar with and was an expert
on probationary issues. Doug: It was rediculous. The corrupt police lie on
reports. The prosecuters and judges believe what
the cops write on there reports so the whole
system is rotten to the core. Nick: The holding cell was freezing at a ridiculously
cold temperature. I was woken at 4am then put on a
bus to the court house. I then was put into
shackles that tied down my feet and hands to my
stomach. I was allowed to ask any questions and
could not speak to the judge. Erik: The court was a real pain, you get woken up in
the jail at 4am and have to wait till 6am in a
tank to go to the court a bus comes at 6 and by 7
you are in the court house where you sit until 9
then go in the courtroom where the judge arrives
at 10 its a very long process Edwin: I looked forward to going to court, be
cause I knew there was a chance for me
to go home ... at the same time it was
intimidating because you really had no
idea if What was really going to happen.
Sitting there watching some people's
walk Out as free men and others leaving
in handcuffs ... Will: Court was very non personal;
several defendants were taken
in to the courtroom
handcuffed together and then
hand cuffed to the jury
chairs. The public defenders
never know about the facts of
my case; they just wanted me
to "cop a plea" and hurry
out. I was not given a chance
to really understand my
charges Rickey: ok Lee: Court was very irratating, at least the whole
process of going. I was up before sun up (5:30
am) only to sit and wait in a small cell with
other inmates at least half the day, even longer
most times. Just to be in court for 20 minutes
at the maximum. David: During majistrate/bond hearing they set your
bond and see if you require a public defender.
After about three weeks you will go to your
first appearance where they try to see if you
are willing to take a plea bargin. The plea
bargin is offered due to a over crowded court
system. Ann: very cold,your not allowed to wear any type of
sweater,due to security,very long process,very
scary because you dont know what the judge is going
to do to you,if he is going to let you go free,set
you a bond, or set you for a later court
appearance,which could take months Scott: i had to go to court numererous of times because
i was pulled over alot of times for driving on a
suspened licenese i was already on bond for it
so i had to do jail time or do 30-60 days of
house arrest and not be able to drive
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Nick: I was driving while drunk. I was convicted of DUI. Erik: I was originally charged with Grand Theft Edwin: Driving while suspended and possession
of a controlled substance. Were the
original charges
I eventually pleaded operating w/o a
valid license and drug paraphilillion Will: My charges were burglary of a
residence and grand theft. I
was convicted of both crimes
because I pled guilty because
I couldn't stand bring in the
county jail any more. Rickey: burglary Lee: I was charged with burglary of a dwelling,
possession of burglary tools, and wearing a mask
to comit a felony. David: Possession of cocaine, the charges were never
reduced. Ann: trafficking in illegal drugs over 28
grams.....convicted of witholding information from
a practitioner Scott: driving on a suspened license with
knowledge,driving on a suspended license without
knowledge and recomment