Interview with James, Charles, Nick, Erik, Edwin, Will, Rickey, Lee, David, Ann and Scott
JM: How often could you receive visitors? James: Once a week. Charles: Twice a week. Nick: I could receive visitors once a week for two hours
usually in the afternoon or night. Erik: once a week your housing unit is allowed visits 2
people for one or onehalf hour sessions Edwin: You were allowed visitors twice a
week.inmates really look forward to
visiting day, its one of the high points. Will: you could have one visitor per week if you
maintained good behavior and stayed out of trouble Rickey: not at all Lee: We had visitors on a weekly basis, having one
day of the week, based upon where you were
housed. David: Up to two visitors twice a week for about 30
minutes a visit. You could have two visitors at
the same time however if they showed up at
different times it counted as your two visits
for the week. Ann: i was allowd a visit twice a week for a total of 1
hour per visit Scott: i wasnt in there long so i didnt fill out a
visitation form cause i knew i was getting
released to house arrest
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? James: Very. Sometimes my relatives waited 2 hours. Charles: Very long. Nick: Sometimes they were they would be about an hour to
an hour and a half. Also they could be quick
depending on the people coming. I never heard
complaints though. Erik: I don't know I never talked to any visitors I
would imagine there is a lot of searching a going
through purses and hand bags Edwin: Yeah I guess you could say that . You had
to be There 1to 2 hours prior to the visit.
The questions, paperwork. But if thats
what you gotta do ... Will: the check in process always took a long time so
most visitors didn't come back for a second
visit because they didn't want to have to wait
for many many hours Rickey: to slow Lee: I'm told that the process was not only long, but
it was a bit degrading also. Your visitors are
searched and treated like inmates too. David: Depending on what time of the day your visitors
came to see you. Mornings times took about 15
minutes and evening times could take up to 1
hour. Ann: my loved ones said it took a good few hours to get
in to see me,they were all screened then told to
wait in a lobby until called up Scott: i did not have any vistors because i was only
going to be in there for a day or two days but
other inmates told me that it took hours for the
vistors to see us(THE INMALES)
JM: What was the visiting environment like? James: Filthy at Main, and N. Broward. Better at Conte and Sherriffs N. Charles: Like being locked up with the person but with a
window between you. They can't leave viso and you
can't leave it either. Nick: It was in a special area you would talk through a
phone with a thick layer of plastic separating you
and your guest, also a deputy would walk through
every ten to twenty minutes to check on things.
Other inmates would talk extremely loud and can be
hard to hear. Some other people would try to listen. Erik: I know the jail I was in at one time had a floor
in the middle of both upper and lower floors and
that was the middle of the two, the people on top
would walk down a set of stairs while bottom
would walk up a set the visitors would stay in
middle Edwin: For me, it was very depressing. First the
glass between you and your visitors. Its
almost like there not there in person
even thoe they are. Secondly you wait all
week for a 30 minute visit. Upsetting
when people Take four hours Out of
there schedule, can only see you Will: the visiting environment was very poor. it was
extremely noisy the other visitors have no
manners and yelled it was very very impersonal
because he had to talk to six last on a phone
that you couldn't hear anything on. I only had a
couple family members visit and they didn't want
to come back for another experience Rickey: bad biliegurant Lee: the envirenement was not ideal for family. We
were all kept in an isolated area and forced to
commuicate on a phone while seperated by a very
thick window of glass. Most of the times you
could not hear well because of all of the noise
from someones child or an argument. David: Noisey and loud, you sat on a round steel seat
while looking at your visitor through thick
plexi glass window. We would have to talk on a
telephone that did'nt work so well. Often you
could'nt hear your visitor because of the loud
inmates on your side of the glass. Visitations
were difficult. Ann: i had ALL MY VISITS BEHIND A T.V. monitor,it was
not the best and half the time the screen diddnt
work so it was like an hour phone call,so heart
breaking not to be able to see or touch you your
loved ones,,its really hard in our visits in a max Scott: I really dont know what to say about that
because i never had anybody come visit me,i
never filled out a form or anything but the guys
said you have to talk on a phone through like a
glass or plastic window and sit on a metal
circle bench thats all i know