JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Jim: you could rent out books Jerry: In 3 months, I was allowed outside twice. There were
no windows, it was absolutely miserable. Once a week
I requested two books, most weeks I got the same two
books. The television was on basketball 24/7 because
most inmates were NBA fans which I am not. I like
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Jim: it was fierce sometime you got outside rec if
the co wanted to let you out Jerry: I was one of only 3 white guys so there was no
chance in getting the tv channel changed. It was
March madness and there was no talking or
negotiating about the tv. It was on the basketball
game e's every minute it was allowed to be turned on
for us.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Jim: no that was a major part of making time pass Jerry: Yes because there was nothing to work out with and
no room to do anything else. Food was scarce, two
hot dogs was the only meal with meat each week so
without protein it was pretty miserable.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Jim: not ver twice a week if allowed Jerry: I was only allowed to go outside twice. The first
time I spent the time just walking around and
enjoying the sunshine. The second time I played
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Jim: yes wed or thuresday night it was nice they had
people come in and you sang and read some
chapter from bible Jerry: Not to people in my block that I was aware of. Many
things were restricted in that block. Don't know why
I wasthere.