JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Bruce: yes i earned 168days worth of good time due to
being good Cherry: In my case there was no option for good behavior.
Nothing I did besides pay money was able to get me
out of jail. Damien: yes i did i got like 30 days for my good behavior Derrick: U get of early for working a job in the jail wich I did every five
days u work u get one day off ur sentence
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Bruce: nine months its 10 days for each month that u do Cherry: I believe there are many different stipulations,
you get work time, gain time, and even the major
has the authority to give additional days. Damien: up to 10 days a month Derrick: 6 days a month m
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Bruce: yes, and basically it falls down to staying
positive and being surrounded by positive poeple.
stay away from poeple that dont mean you know
good at all. Cherry: Stay out of trouble or the officers radar cause
once you prove to be a problem, they keep an eye
out for you. I saw females get moved to the box
daily just for talking when they were supposed to
be sleeping. Damien: you got to go to work everyday and not get an any
trouble at all and yes i seen alot of people loose
the gain time Derrick: Yes I seen a worker who had been there for 6 months and got
into a fight he had an entire month off his sentence in that
point and they took it all