JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Bruce: yes but it also cost too much money Cherry: Meds were done a few times a day but was never a
set time. They were always running behind. Damien: Meds were done a few times a day but was never a set
time. They were always running behind. Derrick: Yes but they charged u out of ur commissary for the nurses
JM: How did you get your medications? Bruce: by filling out a sick call form than the doctor
will call you once he has confirm your problem
and medication Cherry: I never took any meds while I was there but others
did and they complained that the interval gaps was
causing behavior problems. Damien: I never took any meds while I was there but others
did and they complained that the interval gaps was
causing behavior problems. Derrick: U come out your cell and wait in line then give ur name and u
get ur medication and a small bit of water
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Bruce: you woukld get sentb to the box for x ammount of
days. most of the time yourll do 60days or 30days Cherry: The ibuprofen was a commodity and the allergy
medicine that can be purchased off commissary was
always a big item up for trade. They traded
benadryl like it was a new addictive drug. Damien: The ibuprofen was a commodity and the allergy
medicine that can be purchased off commissary was
always a big item up for trade. They traded benadryl
like it was a new addictive drug. Derrick: Yes people sold the pills and were put in solitary confinement if
they were caught with them either have sold or bought