JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Bruce: It was okay, i was treated fair and everybody
made sure i knew what was going on in my case. I
didnt have any problems with my court order
public defender. Even though i felt as if he
didnt try his hardest to free me. but i love the
faith based pod that chaplin pete had put
together it was great. Cherry: I was treated like a criminal from the very
beginning. I was actually innocent and was
wrongfully arrested and had to wait it out like I
was guilty. I spent twelve days in jail for
something I should have never been arrested for to
begin with. I was held in the "tank" for 6 hours
before I was officially booked simply because they
could do that. Damien: They booked me in and I was mad because I was beat
up a few times on the way to jail by the bondsman
and the law there didn't seem to care about it, in
fact they found it humorous. They kept me in the
tank for a few days in an open pod setting. Derrick: As u enter the jail u are takin into booking were u are put into a
big holding cell with others who were being booked were u
have the chance to use the wall mounted phone u sit there any
were from an hour to hours depending on the situation wether
u will be bailed out or I'll be staying in the jail they walk u over
to the fingerprinting station from there and then take ur pic
were u are put back in the holding cell for hour or 2 while they
find out all ur info and find u a cell in a dorm a wich is
classification were they monoter u for 72 hours to acess ur
threat level then u are moved to a pod wich holds usually
around 84 to 95 inmates at once were u will wait to c the judge
for ur bond hearing wich or to serve out ur sentence if u got
picked up on a warrant as I allways did
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Bruce: I had committed two felionys and the police had
arrested me on a traffic stop. my case was
pretty much your basic burglery type case. i
lied about everything, i didnt want to own up to
my mistakes. i was placed on probation and I was
back 11months later for durty urin. Cherry: I allowed an person who lived across the street
from me to stay with myself and my boyfriend when
he was kicked out of his house. The person was a
17 year old and his mother kicked him out and he
was staying on the streets and sleeping in his
truck. I agreed to allow him to stay in my spare
room while he worked out things with his mother,
who was right across the street. She reported him
as a missing person and I was arrested for
interfering with a minor custody. Officer
originally threatened me with kidnapping, which
blew my mind. I called 911 for assistance and was
later charged a misdemeanor for "false activation
of 911" and when physically arrested for that
charge I asked why I was being detained and was
charged with ANOTHER misdemeanor for resisting
arrest. This was my first time ever being in
trouble. I am a 30 year old Veteran. I was told
when arriving at the jail that I was also charged
a Felony, interfering with minor custody. Damien: Bondsman popped the lock on my home and came in
and arrested me without and explanation of what
was going on. I was choked by 2 bondsman with a
mag light while being fully cooperative to
surrendering. On the way to jail the bondsman
pulled over twice to hit me a few more times
before we got to the jail. I was originally
arrested for driving without a license. Derrick: There were multiple arrest at this jail most were violation of
probation so I was aressted due to a warrant the usually pulled
me over ran my name an cuffed me took me to the jail or I got
aressted with drugs or achole found on my Poseidon during a
routine stop
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Bruce: It was a life changing experience for me,because
it was the last time i had saw my son for the
next 5years. the judge didnt have any mercy for
my tears, and he didnt even acknowledge my good
behavior inside the courtroom. i was just a
number that was placed on his court docket, and
he intended on sending me to prison...simple Cherry: Court was just like I see it on television. A judge
sits up there all high and mighty and has complete
control over everything that happens in the
courtroom. Not only are you being ridiculed for
being an alleged criminal, but the judge can base
his decision off of your attitude and demeanor. Damien: Court was ridiculous. They keep you in jail for 3-4
months waiting to see a judge and even when you do
have a court date you may not even get to go. Many
people didn't ever know what was going on with their
case they seemed to just play the waiting game. Derrick: U are escorted from the jail to the courthouse via a bridge that
connects the 2 over a highway u are walked there in an
enclosed chain link walk way were u are escorted to a holding
cell were u sit for what seems like forever then u are escorted
into the court room by shackles and chains were u sit in a pew
with other inmates till called apon by either ur judge or your
attorney if there is a deal to be made ur name is called by the
judge I approach the podium and are asked ur name then ur
charges are read to u in wich the judge ask the prosecuted
what they want done then ur defense puts in his input and u
can choose to plead guilty or not or no contest and choose to
take te prosecutors deal or not then u are either sentenced or
givin a date to return then escorted back to the holding cells till
everyone else is threw wich takes hours then u are walked
back across the highway to the jail and returned to your cell
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Bruce: two counts of burglery with a occupied dwelling,
and also grand theft Cherry: My charges were interfering with a minor custody,
False activation of 911 and resisting arrest. I did
not get convicted of any of them. State dropped
Felony and pre-trial is wiping the misdemeanors. Damien: Grand theft, dealing in stolen property, defrauding
a pawn broker, possession of marijuana under 20
grams, possession of paraphernalia. I was convicted
of the drug charges and grand theft. Derrick: Possession pf marijuanna and pariphanelia
Possession of achol under age
Petty theft
Domestic violence and battery
9 counts of vop