JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Alex: Try not to come during the set lockdown periods;
the waits will be lengthy. Javier: Leon County Jail isn't that bad. Its mostly a day
care for grown men. I recommend that you visit a
lot because it could get rough having to be
trapped in there with some very strange people. I
f you cant visit writing letters helps a lot too.
Also, if possible send money frequently for
canteen. The amount of food they serve the inmates
is not sufficient. They say it meets standards but
i seriously doubt it. They will also be able to
purchase personal hygiene products and clothes.
Another good idea is to send reading material. You
can send someone reading material as long as it is
not porn and as long as it is a soft cover book or
magazine. I wouldn't be to worried if you have a
friend or family member going in. Inmates are
supervised at all times and most people are just
trying to do their time. Kyle: They should know that it's mostly black
amd to be cool not trying to be billy bad
butt cause everybody just waiting to go
home and be with there loved ones
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Alex: Don't try to cause anymore trouble than what
they are already in because it will only cause
greater problems, and could even lead to a
greater sentence in the end. Javier: Basically, just keep your head up. Being locked in
there can put a lot of stress on you but you cant
let it get to you. It will make you sick and soon
you'll start loosing weight and trying to sleep
your time away. DON'T DO THAT. Keep yourself busy
all the time. If you are allowed to become a
trustee, do it. You eat better and get extra time
off your sentence. Kyle: They should know that it's mostly black
amd to be cool not trying to be billy bad
butt cause everybody just waiting to go
home and be with there loved ones Same
advice just sit your time out
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Kyle: Pike county jail