JM: How many meals did you get per day? Alex: I received three meals per day. Javier: Three meals per day. Two hot meals and one cold
lunch. Lunch is always a sandwich. Kyle: You get 3 meals a day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Alex: Most of the food was low in quality. Javier: Out of a scale of 1-10... Personally, i would rate
it a 2. They never use any spices/seasoning and
the amounts they give you are ridiculous. Also
they never give you real meat. Kyle: I rate the food a 1 and that's 1 is for the
juice served with breakfast but other
then that it was horrible. Most food
needed salt and non was added the rice
would be hard and lunch was a peanut
butter sandwich no jelly with a very small
cup of water
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Alex: I liked what the kitchen crew dubbed as "cat
meat"; it ws a sort of ground meat that no one
could identify--hence the name. I could not
agree with the peanut butter, bologna, and
cheese mixture that was often served. Javier: My favorite was Spicy chicken patty. My least
favorite and worst (speaking in behalf of
everyone) is macaroni and erasers. Kyle: No favorite at all but the least favorite
was that hard nasty rice plus it had no
salt at all
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Alex: Diabetic inmates were given extra food outside
of meals to keep their blood sugars regulated.
Other inmates who had money in their canteens
were given the opportunity to buy snacks. Javier: Yes. You were allowed to order from a canteen list
twice a week. It was pretty good for being locked
up. You have everything from personal hygiene
products, candy bars, sweet snacks, chips, salsa,
peanuts, hard candy, and clothes. Kyle: You could have lil cookies and pies they
would be kind of expensive since snacks
were like a leisure but if u had no money
then you was out of luck its just is what it