JM: How many different blocks were there? Alex: There were ten blocks. Javier: 16 Kyle: I would say it was over a hundred
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Alex: Block A, Block B, Block C, Block D, Block E,
Block F, Block G, Block H, Block I, and Block J. Javier: They went from A Block up to P Block. Kyle: Can't remember any names but I was
guess they were categories by letters
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Alex: Block D held the inmates on 23 hour temperary
lockdown. Block E held the inmates who were not
mentally stable. H housed inmates who were on
full lockdown. C and F housed the trustees.
Blocks I and J held the murderers and sex
offenders. Javier: Usually A-D were new inmates or short timers. E
was known as the "Zombie" Block. It was for psych
inmates. F was the trustee block. G and H is where
you DON'T want to be. That is confinement...
lockdown... the hole. I-L are other ones you want
to stay clear from. Its mostly gang members,
rapist, sexual offenders and even some killers
awaiting trial. M-N is the womens block. O-P is
open bay. If you dont like being locked in your
room all the time and can handle sleeping in an
area with 6 guys around you this is the block for you. Kyle: It was mostly drug dealers drunks and
robberies while I was dere but people lie
about there reason for being in jail I also
believe that some were there for having
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Alex: In the nicer blocks, you were able to watch tv,
play cards, and pretty much have a "nice" stay
while in jail. In the more stricter blocks,
sometimes you weren't able to shower or have
access of going outside. Javier: Id have to say out of all the blocks O-P are the
worst only because your practically guaranteed to
have a woman officer. They are not fun at all. The
best is probably the trustee block. You rarely get
locked down and you usually get more freedom. G
and H are horrible. The rooms smell like piss and
you're only allowed an hour a day outside your
room... AN HOUR! Kyle: The best thing is u will be wit people who
had similar charges or around the similar
amount of time so I guess this kept the
conflict down by putting people on a
similar path with each other only bad
thing about it is that its cellblock u in jail