JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Alex: I did not find it difficult to get along with
other inmates. Javier: Not really. I went in weighing pretty heavy so i
think that had a lot to do with being left alone.
I guess it also depends on your race. I noticed
that "white boys" tended to get picked on more
than any other race. I am Colombian and oddly once
someone found that out they always gave me the
same reaction. Its as if they were impressed or
just interested. All i could say is that if you're
white... ACT WHITE... nobody likes a poser or
someone fake. Kyle: No it wasn't cause the people there just
want to do there time and get it over
with especially ones that had family back
home its not like everybody in jail is
looking to fight u
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Alex: I stayed to myself for the most part. I didn't
cause trouble by watching television, reading
books, and drawing pictures. Javier: If you learn how to bite your tongue in certain
situations you'll be just fine. A lot of people in
jail can be very ignorant and arrogant. You should
also find a friend you can relate to and stick
together. You're better off having someone watch
your back then having to watch your own. Also,
when you do your laundry keep an eye on your white
shirts. You have some people who try to snatch
others things. Kyle: No as long as u be cool not scary now
you're ok but as far as avoiding problem
there was none just carry yourself like a
man who dere to do your time and get
out and get back to providing for your
family. If you do that you should have no
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Alex: No Javier: Depending on your Pod Officer, in Leon County Jail
you were able to choose your roommate. Usually
they're pretty good about who they give you as a
roommate. Kyle: Well I didn't choose and I kept my same
cell mate for the whole duration of my
time. So as far as changing/choosing I
wouldn't really know if you could my
time wasn't long term