Interview with Elise, Armando, Drew, Devin and Sean
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Elise: jumpers and jail scrubs Armando: well the jail takes every thing away from you
some jails let you stay with your boxers Drew: The provide jail out blues, usually a one piece
suite. Other clothing I have seen are those for
recreation. Devin: Nothing at all. They provide all ur clothing.U leave
all ur clothes in the first processing. Sean: you are not allowed to have
anything brought to you nothing
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Elise: yes scrubs navy blue and they were worn out and
not well cleaned and u only got a new set every
3 days Armando: well they gave me a one pice suit that had metal
buttons on them and the sandules where just like
the ones like the time of the jews you know and
pair white socks and white underware they come
once a week to trade out the suits Drew: Jail hour blues, usually a one piece outfit with
your size on the back of it, socks, slippers.
That was the base. Other outfits include those
worn for recreation purposes like shorts. Devin: You had a green pair of canvas pants and a white or
pinkish tshirt.Boxers that was white and socks and a
pair of flip flops. Sean: you are issued one blue jumpsuit
this is Orange County corrections
on it and 1 pair of socks those
are the only clothing you are a
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Elise: no Armando: yea blue stand for felony or roobery or vop and
orange would be like you got arrested the first
time red stads for high risk or murder Drew: Just make sure it is clean before wearing them.
You never know. Devin: Yes a sweater was in high demand because of the cold
tempature. Sean: you do not get to choose your
own clothing only thing you
choose is the side
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Elise: yes woman wore navy blue men wore orange Armando: no they just dident give them any thing white
thow like the suits Drew: Yes, women wore two piece outfits. Devin: no it was the same accept for panties. Sean: men have one piece blue
jumpsuit women have two piece
blue suits