Interview with Elise, Armando, Drew, Devin and Sean
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Elise: no i did not i had a fight on my record Armando: hell no I was never good but I gave respect if
you gave it back to me Drew: Yes, you can after you are sentenced. Either by
time spent with good behavior or working your way out. Devin: Yes is did on a couple charges.I was a trustee. Sean: yes I did I got out one and a half
months early for good behavior
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Elise: i dont know Armando: shit nothing unless you have an aggrement with
the court Drew: 5-10 days a month depending on your situation. Devin: It's been a long time since i've been in jail.But as
far as i can remember i got a day off for every 2-3
days work. Sean: you can get up to 5 days per
month for good behavior
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Elise: be good line up and listen to CO's at all times Armando: like make your bunck every day you gota take a
shower every day avoid CO as much as possible and
stay quit in lock down Drew: Avoid things like talking back to staff, fighting,
throwing tentrums, stealing, getting in
arguements. Stay out of time outs, the more you
have the worst it looks for you. If you happen to
do a job within the jail, do it right and do what
you are asked or you will lose your job and
potentially some of your gain time. Devin: Yes.Fighting is the main one u get in trouble for in
jail.Others are not showing up for work.Also drug
use is common in the jail. Sean: avoid all action with anyone else
keep to yourself in order to go
home and get good time