Interview with Elise, Armando, Drew, Devin and Sean
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Elise: They woke us up at around 3am. We stood in line
for hours waiting for Pre-sentencing. Finally
your rushed through and have no chance to talk
to any one about anything. Armando: I was woke up by my friend and telling me he
needs money so im driving in a shoping center and
he robs a persons and jumps in my car we left I
was pissed at him left him in a radomed street
and the next mornibg the police came to my house
saying that I was invouled in the crime Drew: Not much of a presentencing process since I was caught in the act
and then tried and sentenced shortly thereafter. Devin: pre-sentencing was 99.9% of the time a plea
bargain.The state is so backed up that it will offer
u a good deal just to get u out of there court room
and sentenced.They offer u 1/3 of what the charge is
supposed to carry and sometimes less than that too. Sean: your pre sentencing processes
you sit in jail and wait to go to
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Elise: no i did not Armando: I was woke up by my friend and telling me he
needs money so im driving in a shoping center and
he robs a persons and jumps in my car we left I
was pissed at him left him in a radomed street
and the next mornibg the police came to my house
saying that I was invouled in the crime Drew: Was arrested having committed a crime in downtown
Orlando. I fled the scene and was actually chased
down by numerous store owners. Eventually the
police got involved. I was eventually caught and
place in handcuffs. The store owners positively
identified me and I was eventually given my rights
and was taken to a holding area and eventually
processed. Devin: No i always got arrested on the street.One time the
cops showed up at my moms house after i jumped out
after a high speed chase with them in her
neighborhood.Other than that all my cases was mainly
cut and dry where i took a plea bargain and pled
guilty. Sean: I had the Orange County Sheriff's
Office Fugitive Task Force come
by my house multiple times
before turning the case over to
the US Marshals Se rvice is the
United States Marshal Service is it
is who arrested me and
transported me to Orange County
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Elise: Court was a grueling task for inmates like i
was. I had no laywer and no way of repensting
myself. The public attorney had so many cases he
didnt even know my name. the judge was not
conciderate and the gaurds were stressed by the
ampount of inmates. Armando: well I was wating for like a dam 2 weeks cause I
got a FL charged 3 degree 4 years probation still
on it and got 8 mouths left and I had juged rene
rouce female white actally nice one juged right
and did 7 mouth county time Orlando fl Drew: First of all, it's quite a headache getting the
corrections officers to provide you with your
court date (for safety reasons). Thus, you are
only provided such information either by your
lawyer or outside family members who may view your
court date online. When it comes, it's a waiting
game, starting as early as 4 o'clock in the
morning and lasting till late in the afternoon. Devin: The court system for every county jail I've ever
been in is a joke.It's a get you in there and get
you done as fast as possible with the crappiest
representation the states money don't want to
spend.They give you a public defender that we like
to call public pretenders. Sean: it was a very long wait very short
process in a very firm Senate's
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Elise: Orginal: poss of cannabis >20gram
poss with the inted to sell destribute
poss of parhapanila
and they all stuck Armando: petie thef and 2 dgree robbery and 3 degree
felony is what I have now to this day Drew: Petite theft and was charged with petite theft Devin: I've beeen convicted in orange county for grand
theft auto,tresspassing,panhandling,and
loitering.Also was charged with aggravated battery
with deadly weapon. Sean: my original charges were driving
oand that is what I was convicted
of driving while license
suspended or revoked n a
suspended license