Interview with Elise, Armando, Drew, Devin and Sean
JM: How often could you receive visitors? Elise: 3 times a week for one hour each Armando: I mean no one came to vist me but like 2-3 time a
mouth it depends on the charges you got Drew: Was you are Passed the orientation phase, you can
start getting visitors right away. Everyday if
you wanted to. Devin: Twice a week if yor lucky enough to have somebody to
come see u.I was unlucky. Sean: you can get this is three times a
week for 45 minutes each time
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Elise: i belive so 15 miuntes proir to the time it
started and could only wear certain colthes no
phones no keys etc it was a hassle for people to
see me Armando: well not realy it could be to money in your acct
or eye care packs and most of county jails now
have telephone vist only Drew: No, just set up time with jail officers with the
inmates jail house #. Come in at time requested
and sit at the video phone conferences and talk. Devin: No...They have a building across the street that
have cameras and a monitor.So u never see each other
in person.u get a visitation time and thats that. Sean: the check in process is like 30 to
40 minutes long for visitors
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Elise: lame it was a small tv with a camera and a sheet
behind you so there other girls would not
interfere with your meeting Armando: well like I said I never got visted but it
thorght a phone line and a camera and a plice
glass screen proteting the screen your seating in
a closed in room small and the vist not that long
and if a co tells you to get off you get off Drew: The visiting environment for the inmate is a booth
with a telephone and a video screen which shows
the other party on the other side. The visiting
area for the visitor is more or less the same,
just a roll of phone booths in a conference like
setting. Strict rules apply. Devin: It was ok.U sit in a booth with a camera and a
monitor and talk to your visitor. It's in a
controlled enviremont so it's goes by smooth and
easy.There is never any problems because u never get
to have ant physical contact with your visitor.It's
controlled and not hard. Sean: visitation is on a video screen
there are no come visit and you
have everybody that is in your
dorm behind you that can see
your visit and you can't hear
because of all the noise