Interview with Elise, Armando, Drew, Devin and Sean
JM: How many different blocks were there? Elise: 14 i think Armando: well in my block the was four but I think theres
six levels Drew: No separate blocks as far as I knew. Devin: There was about 4 different wings of the jail. Sean: there are like 12 or 13 different
housing locks
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Elise: letter from the alphabet a-n Armando: main .wickcum. horizon.VRC.genisse these where
the main blocks in jail Drew: I'm not sure. Devin: The main.Horizons.Phoenix.And i forget the other
one.They all sucked bad, Sean: they have several different
facilities Genesis facility horizon
facility remains to city and if the
fetus is ready for females
intention Center
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Elise: there was a pyhc ward for the crazies
h block was for the mean murders that needed
solitary quaters and main popluation were pods
with 4 different blocks Armando: like wickcum would have somebody that stold some
food that's where you probley go and lets say you
battery somebody you would go to horizon for that
type of charged you got Drew: The kitchen workers in Wickam, minimum risk
inmates in Genesis, medium in Horizon, maximum in
the main facility, Phoenix I believe will be the
new women's facility which holds all female levels. Devin: Well in orange county jail the bad criminals were
housed on the main.they was usually close custody.
The medium custody inmates was housed in
horizons.And the minimum was housed in i forget. Sean: everywhere is general population
except for murder charges rape
charges etc cetera all first three
felonies our house in a different
housing area
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Elise: nicest was the beds to sleep in the worst was
everything else. the phyc ward was nice because
mostly the crazies wondered around aimlessly and
left me to read Armando: well the best thing about the block I was at that
there was hot water and it wasent that cold in
there the worest about it it stiked realy funny
and the bathroom stalles where ull of fruit flies
every where and idk like almost every gut in
there was nasty ass heck Drew: The nicest thing about the Genesis block is that
it is open pod which means you have more freedom
to move around as you please as oppose to being
stuck in a cell like in Orientation. The worst
part about any block is being stuck in a cell,
especially with a harden criminal. Having a good
cell mate or mates is very important. That makes
a big difference. Devin: The main was 1 cell block not seperate rooms.All
the inmates are in one room with bunk beds.That
was the worst part of the jail because inmates can
get to you while your sleeping.Horizons was nice
because the had 3 man rooms and you had piece at
night while sleeping.
Sean: there is nothing nice about being
in jail except for the day you are
released when you walk out the
doors and the worst part is your
first 7 days in