Interview with Toby, J. Friday, Jeremy, Lisa, Jenny, Alicia, Darryl and Brian
JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Toby: tell them to visit often and send him money for
canteen. J. Friday: Good luck. Just hope he makes it on the road
crew. Jeremy: That it isnt as bad as what you see on TV or the
movies. Lisa: Make sure that they send letters and scedule
visits because inmates need those the most while
in there. Jenny: some jails allow you to take in certain items. If you can take
something in with you, the less you have to pay for commissary.
Otherwise, make sure they have enough money each week to buy
the items needed. Alicia: Just stick by them visit them make sure they had
Commissary and make sure they know they are
loved and wanted. Because with out all that one
does go crazy watching others have what you
dont. You have way to much time inside and all
you do is think of the would of's, should of's
and could of's. Its one of the hardest things i
have had to do in my life... Darryl: Support your loved one,write
them everyday.send thonety if
you gave it and take their calls
uf you can.visit them.encourage
them to do better when they get this once and if they go
back to jail again their on their
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Toby: keep to yourself and stay out of trouble, make
use of available programs like AA, NA ect. read. J. Friday: Smoke em if you got em bro! Jeremy: Yeah. Stay out of trouble when you get out so
you never have to return again! Lisa: Don't get involved in any drama and just keep to
yourself. Time is easier that way. Jenny: Yes, just don't be stupid. We all know what is right and wrong.
Make the right choices and you never have to be in those places.
They are not fun, nor is it cool. And don't take probation. It is a set
up. Do the time and be done with it. If you're on probation and have
a drug problem, more and likely, you'll keep going back. Remember
your freedom. Nobody or nothing is worth that. Alicia: Play by ALL rules and use any tools they offer
you and come out with new hopes and dreams..Make
friends but be sure its not the wong type coz
they are sneaky inside they will make u think
they are your friend when they really are not.. Darryl: Keep to your time
and dont get in any roubke in
their.dint ket others infkuence
you in their.dont start troubke
but dnt back downn from it
either.learn from it and dont do
it again
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Jenny: I have been to Tuscaloosa county jail, Levy county jail, Alachua
county jail, and Bridgehouse drug rehabilitation(in Alachua county) Brian: none Alicia: none Darryl: Clayton county ga. Frank scott
state prison in ga.Jakson state
prison in jackson ga. Wilcox
state prison in ga