Interview with Toby, J. Friday, Jeremy, Lisa, Jenny, Brian, Alicia, Darryl and Keith
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Toby: tv, books, cards, games, puzzles. J. Friday: Basketball, tv, cards, dominoes, magazines,
books and food is how you pass the time. Jeremy: In Central there is a TV room and basketball
court. Lisa: Drug programs and self-betterment programs such
as pasrenting, AA, NA, and HIV awareness. Jenny: They had people come from outside for church group, or the rec
yard Brian: none Alicia: Cards,games,basketball,reading,church, and
movies in some cases as well as TV. most would
sleep or just read what ever they could when the
could or play cards other then that I cant think
of anything else the offered. If you were taking
classes one would do home work or have study
time with a group Darryl: Are you joking were
lu.cky to get an hour a day on
yard call.mistly you jyst lay
around and sleep read or watch
tv.their not much lseto do or
that you can do besides pkay
cards and gambling whuch lots
of times leads to fights I usualky
played cards
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Toby: only the tv. fighting over what channel to play. J. Friday: I had what I needed. You get things and trade
those for other stuff. You'd be suprised how
much stuff you accumulate in jail. Jeremy: The rule among us inmates was that one TV was to
be used for sports and news and the other was to
be used for tv shows and movies. Lisa: T.V. and games. Jenny: There was TV and a few games to play. But we worked it out to
where who cleaned up got to rule the remote! Brian: none Alicia: Not much to say here coz in every block or pod I
was in there was no issues ever. They had areas
set up for all books games tv ect, and no one
every fought about it. Acouple of the pods would
have set times for entertainment and all girls
were good with it Darryl: The only entertainment was like
I said,tv or cards.nit much
cimoetition to either oi ne.wh oi
ever cleaned up that day usually
ran the tv unless you had some
click of guys who wated to take
over the tv which usually led to
a fight but not with cards.their
was always a spot open
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Toby: no, there was rec daily, and we could exercise in
the cells. J. Friday: I worked on the road crew. I was walking for
miles every day. Jeremy: No. You can play basketball if you want. Lisa: Yes. Jenny: Yes. There was not enough room to do any kind of exercising. And
even if you got to go outside, there just wasn't anything to do
except walk around in a circle. Brian: food sucks too fatty and no exercise Alicia: Oh yeah, they no work out area all you would
have was what you could do on your bunk or
outside. Darryl: No a few jails had weight rooms
and if nit you can do push ups
and sit ups.not hard to stay in
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Toby: usually one hour per day J. Friday: 5 days a week, 8 hours a day for work. rec is 1
hour a day. Jeremy: Once. To walk to medical to take my TB test. Keith: None. Lisa: Once a day for an hour. Jenny: It depended on the weather. But usually 2-3 days a week Brian: never Alicia: When i was in the A block we were only allowed
out for one hour a day,and when your in Medical
your not allowed out at all. But the other two i
was in we were allowed out all day everyday. Darryl: If your lucky u get one hr. A day
on the can run or
excersuse on the yard.some
have basketball crts.i didnt go
ou ty at pinnellas
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Toby: services were available and well attended and
good. J. Friday: They did, and I declined. Jeremy: Yes. But I didnt attend any. Lisa: Yes. To me it was awful. They always talked
about people and their sexual preference.
Depending on the building it was either in the
dayroom or library. Jenny: Some. They weren't really all that good. It was more like a bible
study class, and it was only maybe once or twice a week. Brian: no Alicia: Yes, every Sunday,Wednesday and Thursday. They
were about the same but shorter the on the
outside but most rewarding for most. Darryl: I know all jails iffer chyrch
services.but I never went.if I
cant go when im free im nit
ginna start cause im in jail