Interview with Toby, J. Friday, Jeremy, Lisa, Jenny, Alicia and Darryl
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Toby: 2 piece prison uniform and flip flops. tennis
shoes boxers, and white tee shirts J. Friday: The only clothes you get. State issue pants,
shirt, white t-shirt and/or a wife beater shirt. Jeremy: Everone where the same jail issued uniform. Lisa: Orange scrubs for sentenced inmates, blue scrubs
for those that were there for misdemeanors, and
green scrubs for those that were there for
felonies. The central builing had maroon
scrubs. Kitchen workers wore white scrubs. Jenny: Uniforms were worn through the day, and shorts and t-shirts at
night Alicia: If you had any PLAIN T-shirt you maybe able to
keep it but other then that you would keep your
underwear,socks, bra but only if it was plain
with no wires ( bra's).. Darryl: Underwear and socks or you
could buy them iff the store but
they were high
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Toby: 2 piece. blue pants and pullover blue shirt J. Friday: Orange pants, orange shirt. ID card clipped to
the front pocket with a whie t underneath. I
wore an orange jumpsuit for my job. Jeremy: Yes. Grey with a red stripe down the sleeves and
pant legs. Lisa: Yes. I wore the green scrubs. Jenny: Yes. Just the usual. They were kinda like medical uniform pants,
and top. Don't remember the colors. Alicia: You would get one scrub type shirt and one pair
of pants with the strechy waist band every three
to four days. If you had more then the one
outfit then it would be taken from you.Color was
set by what you had done to be in there. Darryl: You were issued a jumo suit ad
the color depended on your
crime.they were changed out
like 3 times a other
clothes were given
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Toby: the blue sweatshirts were in high demand because
lot of inmates were cold in the high a/c. J. Friday: The ones with the fresh color. Not the worn out
stuff. Normally it doesnt matter what you want
any way. Jeremy: No. You dont have a choice in what you can wear. Lisa: No. Jenny: no Alicia: No, and again everyones was about the same but
for the color Darryl: No like I said only jump suits
were availabke oh and flip flops
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Toby: no, the same J. Friday: No. Different colors only means different
security level and sentenced/non-sentenced. Jeremy: Its different depending on where you are housed
at. Lisa: No. Jenny: no Alicia: No, not really it all was a matter of what you
were charged with... Darryl: No they all got the same