Interview with Toby, J. Friday, Jeremy, Keith, Lisa, Jenny, Brian, Alicia and Darryl
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Toby: 3 meals. J. Friday: They feed you 3. Jeremy: 3. Breakfast is served at 3 am. Lunch at 10 am.
And dinner at 4 pm. Keith: 3 Lisa: 3 Jenny: 3 Brian: 3 Alicia: Three and anything else you woul get from
commissary if you had it.. Darryl: We got fed 3 meals a day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Toby: bland and unappetising J. Friday: Bad to poor mostly. However, there were a couple
of things I liked. Jeremy: On a scale of 1-10 I would give it a negative
45. It sucked! Keith: Yuck Lisa: AWFUL and cold. Jenny: Terrible Brian: 0 Alicia: Most of it was crapy, they feed you alot of
breads and starchie foods. you might get one
maybe two okay meals a month, most of it looked
like something you would throw together from
leftovers..I would give it a big fat ZERO i just
cant say how bad it was most of the time. Darryl: I would rate it right up their with
pig slophe bread was
old,bugs,weebles in the grits
and salads.the portions are
small and most of the time
cold.i dont tink no oneever got
full and we call the meat
mystery meat cause no one new
what in the hell it was.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Toby: the meat ang gravy breakfast on Wed. and Sat. J. Friday: Shank and cerial was my favorite. and nasty ass
macaroni with ham bitts was by far the worst.
They only served it once a month thank god.
Jeremy: Didnt have a favorite, but the Shank and cereal
for breakfast was tolerable. Lisa: Breakfast was my favorite. Anything else was
small portioned and cold. Barely edible. Jenny: no Alicia: Neither, I would eat what i could or knew what I
was eating but most of the time I would give it
away.. Darryl: On fri. Mornings they served
whats called shank.its a square
buscuit with beef gravy and
sundays you got a real chicken
thugh with mashed pot. And
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Toby: no, unless you could afford to buy canteen. J. Friday: Whatever you wanted off the commisary list.
Candy, chips, ramen noodles. Jeremy: Only through the commissary that you can order
from twice a week. Keith: Yes Lisa: Yes...commissary if your family sent you money
to buy them. Jenny: no Alicia: Commissary was great if you had it, alot of the
girls would eat from that. Commissary had alot
of good stuff on it. Like Ramen
noddles,chips,cookies,cheese in a jar,salsa
which was bought alot to cover the taste of the
jail house food. But again i wouldnt know to
much about it coz i never had it, but was
friends with afew girls that would get me coffee
and crackers and peanutbutter.... Darryl: Their were no snacks
offered.commissarty had l oi ts
if pastrys,chios,candy bars and
even beef stick and jerky
snacks.usually you could do ok
on 20 dollars a week.but fir thise
that had no money im sure they
wen ty hungry.i shared alot