Interview with Toby, J. Friday, Jeremy, Keith, Lisa, Jenny, Brian, Alicia and Darryl
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Toby: i spent 4 1/2 mos. in jail before i was finally
sentenced. J. Friday: Pre-sentencing is mostly communicating with your
lawyer as much as possible so you know as much
as you can before you go to court. Jeremy: Not bad. Was placed in Central for 2 weeks until
my court date. Keith: I was wrongly arrested for burglary and simple battery which I
didn't commit, stayed in jail for 25 days for no reason. The
Clearwater Police didn't read me my rights and didn't have a deaf
interputer because I'm deaf. The State Attorney had to let me go
because not enough proof or information, and dropped charges
against me. So I need to sue that Clearwater Police. Lisa: I had a public defender and they don't help the
inmates with their sentencing. If one wants to
have a fair trial then they need to hire their
own private attorney. If there are no funds for
one then the inamate most likely does jail or
prison time. Jenny: It seemed like it took a long time. First you are booked in, then
sent to your housing. You sit there until you are called for court.
You go several times before you are sentenced. First is the
arraignment, then your case management, then your sentencing I
believe. Brian: Deceived by Sherrif's department and was
continually lied to following my and during my
flying to Florida and turning self in. Alicia: Not to much to say about this coz it was a
waiting game. I sat in the jail for about a
month before I was sentenced. I never talked
with my PD til the day of court,and then it
wasnt much info just that i would plead
gulity.This is how most everyone was treated
that didnt have council. Darryl: Theirs not much to tell.i was
arrested at my home,taken to
jail and after about two weeks I
was taken to court and given
time served on my charge and
held fo er extradition to clayton
co. ga.after wairing exactly 30
days claytin co.showed up and
took me back to ga.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Toby: no J. Friday: No, the only time the police came by my house
was to arrest me for a VOP warrant. Jeremy: Only to arrest me for a VOP. Keith: No. Lisa: No. Jenny: No, I was picked up by police for solicitation, then they found out I
was wanted in Gainesville for violation of probation. Brian: I walked into sherrif's office and turned
myself in. Alicia: No, I was stopped on the street while going to
get something to eat, and when ask for my ID it
was then I had told them I had a FTA and a VOP
so at that point I was handcuffed and taken to
jail.And was question at the jail. Darryl: I was arrested for possession of
illegal substances and did make
bond.but after a couple of
weeks my wife said the fugitive
squad came by looking for me.i
thought she was joking.then one
night they dud come by and I
didnt answer the door.after
awhile of staying away from
home I gave up and let them
catch me at hime
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Toby: the judge talked while my public defender
explained everything to me.
it was all very fast and i felt like i was being
pushed along something i didn't completely
understand. J. Friday: My final court apperance,when I recieved my jail
sentence, was nerve wracking to say the least.
The state was looking for a year and a day in
prison, and I was hoping for 11 months in
county. Jeremy: Nervous, but then happy afterwords. Recieved
time served and was released. Keith: Lousy. Lisa: I was in jail so I went to court in jail garb
and was treated like a number, not a person. Jenny: It was ok. But you were only transported to where they release
people. Then we walked through a series of hallways, then a huge
holding cell. You wanted there till you were called over the
intercom, and told where to walk to, and what elevator to get on
and the floor you needed to go to. Then you sat in another holding
cell till you went in front of the judge. Brian: Court was a joke there is so much graft and
corruption it was very tricky knowingwho to
bribe. Alicia: Court was a very long day, I was one of the
last to be seen by the judge so by then he was
grumpy and ready to get the day over.Then when i
did get there for some reason they had no info
about my case so it was scheuled. Darryl: Court was very quick ad to the
point.i violated my probation
and would be sent back to
ga.luckily I got time served fir
my charges in pinnellas co.or I
would have had t do time in fl.
then return to ga to finish my
sentence their.the wai rt ing to
be sentenced and not knowing
is the hardest.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Jenny: I cannot remember the actual charges in Pinellas, but I was also
being held for Gainesville, Fl. Brian: Initial charges were based in fantasy. I walked
away with a fine. Alicia: I had a crack pipe that had alittle cocaine
still in it.. Darryl: I was cgarged and convicted of
agravated assault