Interview with Jack, Jerry, Sarah, Kristie, Tim, Judith and Hector
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Jack: No Jerry: no Sarah: No. I got off because I was PROVEN innocent. Kristie: Yes I got out in 45 days for good behavior. Tim: of course not. NOT one single white inmate has
been granted parole from a Georgia prison in well
over 25 years. Parole is for the non-white
inmates. You do know that not a single white
person works as a guard as a warden or is on the
parole board don't you? Judith: No. I had to do a year to the day because I had a
pending charge on me in Clayton county. Hector: No. Because I was in a work
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Jack: Two for one days as far as I know. Jerry: 2 for 1 Sarah: For Gwinnet it maybe longer than before they
arrest people for jay walking. Kristie: 2 for 1 time. I was sentenced to 90 days and got
out in 45. Tim: none, white people do not get that Judith: I'm not really sure about that. Hector: 0
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Jack: Mind your manners and not be a trouble maker... Jerry: fighting and any other violations of the rules
and regulations in the inmate handbook Sarah: NA Kristie: Basically as long as you didn't get into any
fights or caught with any contraband you were
fine. The main thing is to stay out of the guards
radar - you aren't going to make friends with
them. (The friends of the guards that I refer to
previously are people they knew from the outside) Tim: white people do not get that and I do not mix with
or speak to the non-white majority. You can not
get time off so don't even think it. That is for
the niggers only Judith: No fighting or you get another charge. You can also
get more time from stealing from another inmate.I
never witnessed anyone getting time off for good
behavior. Hector: No