Interview with Jack, Jerry, Sarah, Jesse, Kristie, Tim and Judith
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Jack: One a day if you could fight for them. Jerry: yes, during each free time between 9:00 a.m. -
10:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., and 7:00
p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sarah: no way! 90% of the time they were broken or
being used/ Jesse: yES Kristie: Yes we were allowed to use the phones whenever we
were allowed out of the cells for free time. Tim: No, I had no one to call but who can afford the
extortion charged by the collect calls Judith: In the holding cell there was one payphone that was
free, but you had to wait your turn for it. Once you
were put into population, your people had to get an
account through a certain phone service.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Jack: Very high rates another way to get rich at the
Jail. Jerry: $2.75 per call Sarah: oh some god awful price like 50$ for 2 30 min
calls Jesse: Don't know Kristie: It was really fucking ridiculous (sorry for the
language but the adverb is apt). $10 for a 15
minute LOCAL call. Most inmates only called once
or twice a week. I saw some that called every
single free period. I would say it cost anywhere
from $10-$210 a week depending on how much of a
burden the inmate wanted to be on their friends
and family. Tim: I have no idea. I never made a single one. I had
no one to call and no reason to want to. Judith: I believe that whoever you were calling had to
prepay and you only had 10 minutes per call. Some
inmates spent about 20.00 a day easily.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Jack: NO Jerry: No, not unless you wanted to call someone on
their cell phone or someone who was unable to
accept collect calls on their home phone. Sarah: yes or collect Kristie: You could either buy a phone card from the
commissary or you could call collect (very
difficult to do when calling a cellphone) Tim: how would I know. read the above answers about phones. Judith: No.It was a prepay thing the people you called had
to pay up front.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Jack: Yes Jerry: yes Sarah: yes. every single one. Kristie: Yes they recorded and actively listen. My mother
and I were talking about the Discovery Channel
that was there filming "Women in Lockup" which
became "Cellblock 6" and the call was ended by the
jail because it was considered "inflammatory". Tim: how would I know. read the above answers about phones. Judith: I do believe they were recorded.