Interview with Jack, Jerry, Sarah, Jesse, Kristie, Tim, Judith and Hector
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Jack: had to do weekends in the holding cell for 4
weeks. Jerry: 5 months Sarah: No sentence, just nearly a year missing out on
my life and that of my children. Jesse: No sentencing Kristie: I was sentenced to 90 days. Tim: 10 years, do 5 in prison and spent 5 in court
ordered counseling and be on the sex offender
registry for life. Judith: I was sentenced to 10 years, serve 1. Hector: 90 days, 1st offense
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Jack: Yes It was awful....The people that were there
doing weekend time had to suffer through all the
Drunks and drugged out people that were
on a nightly basis..... Jerry: no Sarah: I spent A LOT of time in a holding cell back and
forth for court about my kids in foster care and
it was AWFUL. it was gross, smelly and freezing. Jesse: I was make to feel like an animal. It was
expectially cold all the ladies were trying to
warm themselves some wrappinh toilet paper
around there hands and faces.When I asked
officer R.Tieu for a blanket he ordered me back
to the roomI told him I had a medical problem he
laughed and told me to move back, then he
proceeded to laugh point and makeloud jokes
about me to another officer. Kristie: I spent two days in a freezing, disgusting holding
cell. If you had to pee there was a toilet in the
room only hidden by a metal divider. Male
officers could see you go. They kept the
temperature in the 60's allegedly to keep germs
down but I believe it was just another form of
torture. Twice a day in the cell they bring you a
carton of juice and a "lunch meat" and "cheese"
sandwich on white bread.. I believe there was an
orange as well. At any given time there were 5-10
other women in there all fighting over the one
phone. There were boxes of feminine products
everywhere. Pretty much I just cried and prayed
that no one really needed to use the restroom. Tim: I was not sentenced in Gwenette but like all jails
and prisons in Georgia it was race based and
whites are a target both by the cops and the
inmates. I was beaten and had my nose broken and
as with all prisons I was denied medical attention. Judith: Oh Lord!! I was held in their holding cell for 72
hours!! It was miserable! It was freezing cold in
there and very crowded.If you wanted to lay down you
had to do it in the nasty floor, and allyou had to
eat the whole time was bologna sandwiches and milk. Hector: Dirty and packed holding
cells. Peanut butter
sandwiches and a baby
orange juice.