JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Karl: I'm kinda more of a loner so I didn't really try
to get along with anybody. I just stayed to myself. Willie: Yes, there are a lot of stupid people in Middlesex jails. i think it is
because there are a lot of small town people so the lowell and
somerville people act tough. So you got small town people claiming
they are from somerville or lowell but arent, then the somerville and
lowell people trying to act tough to prove they are.
I just cant stand the middlesex county inmates. Most of them are
drug addicts that elaborate falsely, which normally wouldnt be an
issue, but their attitudes carry on to actions that affect your quality
of living. Most of them talk a game they do not walk.
They are easily manipulated by C.O.s and a lot of them do tell on
you for things.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Karl: Avoid confrontation. I didn't play cards with
people and avoided things at all cost, didn't talk
to anyone that much. Just did my time. Willie: I had a very hard time avoiding fights and problems with other
inmates. I spent a third of my time in "seg" where I suffered through
the harassment from inmates and COs and lived off of the scraps
they fed us. The COs also turn off your water if you give them lip,
which is illegal but no one cares and no one can prove what they
are doing.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Karl: No. They actually avoid putting you in a cell with
someone you knew. Willie: No, they did not allow any of this. you were stuck where you were
stuck. They did change your cellmate whenever, there is no set
amount of time, i had frequent changes, as i was in and out of seg