JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Karl: I was kept in Cambridge jail waiting for trail the
trial for about two or three weeks. I could have
bonded out but it was $2,500 and I didn't have
that at the time. Willie: Terrible pre-sentencing. They treat you terribly. There are people
constantly detoxing in front of you. Usually they put inmates in the
"dorm" Which is a large room with a lot of bunks, while you are
waiting to be classified and placed into one of the other sections of
the jail. It was not a good process. The worst part is if you get into a
fight (inevitable in middlesex county) and you have to go to "seg" or
segregation. There, the correctional officers treat you inhumanely
and get away with it while the inmates all talk smack (usually
picking on each other for fun) all day and night to try to "catch rec"
off of you. The C.O.s also do this. Not to mention if you have any
dietary needs, they will not be met. Vegetarians will starve!
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Karl: I was smoking a joint with someone and was passing
it back and forth and they said I had intent to
distribution. Also just had my paycheck cashed so
having that money in my pocket didn't help. Willie: Yes I was arrested in my home. It was due to a violent charge, and it
was necessary at the time to defend my honor, unfortunately the
middlesex district attorney and the woburn police department made
it out as if i had done something out of spite and that is what is on
my police report and what my probation officer read.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Karl: I was worried. I had a Public Defender but didn't
really know what to expect. This was the first
time I got into trouble like this. Willie: Woburn court gives good sandwiches, and also gives you bottled
water. The white female C.O. there is a bitch, but the rest are very
nice and will be easy to get along with and talk to. The judges are
pretty lenient unless it is a restraining order violation from what i
gathered from my time spent there.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Karl: Possession of class c controlled substance with
intent to sell in a school zone. They dropped the
school zone bit and I just plead to the possession. Willie: Assault and Battery A&B on an officer wanton destruction of
property over 250 and resisting arrest
Took a deal and plead out to resisting arrest.