Interview with John, Scott, Aaron, Bruce and Sammy
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? John: You could only use TElephones during
emergencys or the scheduled rec time.
Or if you went to see a social worker. Scott: YES WE DID HAVE REGULAR ACCESS. Aaron: I had regular access to the phones but they took
a whil;e to approve my call list it took them
almost my whole stay. Bruce: We had,access to phones when we had
recreation time. Sammy: Yes we had regular access
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? John: The charges for phone calls were
basically 5-7$ calls ,i would say the
average inmate spends easily about 50$
on calls per week. Scott: THE CALLS ALL TOGETHER ARE ABOUT 8
INMATE SPENDS 20-200$ Aaron: if I had to guess I would say about $50 dollars a
week on phone calls because that is what makes
them feel better about being in jail, the fact
that they can still reach there loved ones. Bruce: The charges for a phone call are like 8
dollars,and inmate could spend
anywhere from 8-250$ per week it all
depend on the person accepting the
calls. Sammy: The types of charges that applied were
basically like 10 dollar phone calls.
People could spend on a week about 80
dollars easy.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? John: No just have your PEOPLE set up the
phone with the jail. Scott: NO WE JUST HAD TO SET THE PHONES
COLLECT CALLS. Aaron: yes you need to buy a phone card to call out. Bruce: No we did not have to. Sammy: No we didn't have to buy phone cards
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? John: Yes the jail did and does screen calls
especially depending on who the inmate
is. Scott: YEA THEY DID SCREEN OUR CALLS. Aaron: yes the jail screens everyones calls. Bruce: Yes the jail did screen calls Sammy: Yes the jail sure did