Interview with Jessica, Joe Smith, Rod, Ben and Jade
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Jessica: WE RECEIVED 3 MEALS PER DAY. Joe Smith: three Rod: 3 Ben: you get three meals a day Jade: three meals. breakfast, lunch and dinner.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Jessica: THE FOOD WAS EXCELLENT. I REALLY LOOKED FORWARD
TO WHAT THEY WERE SERVING AT THE NEXT MEAL. Joe Smith: Poor at best and the portions were very small. Rod: insufficient and nasty Ben: the food was absolutely horrible. no matter what it
was the fruit the bread, the meat anything that you
ate was discusting. i took a bite of what looked to
be beef strouganouf and i almost threw up right
away. i got to say the burger was actually not too
bad Jade: terreavble. It was cold, tasteless and never on
time. I have no idea where they get their cooks
becouse they do not have to serve food like
that. Growing up I hated school food, but this
is ten times worse. The meals do not match
example is bolonga and mashed potatoes.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Jessica: THE MOST FAVORABLE MEAL WAS A HOT ROAST BEEF SUB
WITH SWISS CHEESE AND ONIONS. Joe Smith: They were all bad Rod: no Ben: my least favorite meal was the bologna sandwhiches
and i did not even take a bite and my favorite was
the burger Jade: the mexican food. Only becouse it resembled
mexican food. The bolony and mashed potatos was
the worst. They did not match.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Jessica: I DO NOT RECALL GETTING ANY OTHER SNACKS. JUST
THE MEALS. Joe Smith: Just in the vending machine if you had money in
your account Rod: commissary if they let us out for free time, Ben: if you had money when you were arrested or somebody
put money on your account you could use this little
card to get things from the vending machines. I did
not ever look at the prices because I had no money Jade: Yes a vendingmacjhine that had snacks, pop and
candy bars. Very expensive. Like five dollares
for three items. and high in sodium and no
nutrition value. We were only allowed to
purshace these items during rec time.