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Interview with Randy, Will and Cynthia

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Randy: Yes if they felt like bringing it on time if at all.
Will: Yes.
Cynthia: it depends on what kind of medicine.sometimes you would have to wait 2 or 3 days until you could see the doctor and have him prescribe it to you.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Randy: From a "nurse".
Will: Medications were brought around several times aday depending on need.
Cynthia: they had nurses that came around at around 9am,4pm,and 8:30pm every day and they gave them to us

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Randy: In WR get kicked out and sent to GP. In GP u go into ad seg which means ur in ur cell on rackdown 24/7 except to shower.
Will: None that I know of.
Cynthia: no idea.never witnessed it

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