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Interview with Christian and Claire

JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process:
Christian: I turned myself in. I walked right in the front door. I was on the run for a year from my probation officer. I was on probation for 3 counts of criminal non support (for not paying child support).
Claire: Pre sentencing is the hardest part because you are just waiting for a court date. As you wait for your court date, you are normally in there for a minimum of 30days and sometimes even longer. I was in there for 90 days before I actually seen a judge for sentencing.

JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested.
Christian: I turned myself in. When I turned myself in, they tried to tell me to turn myself in another day. I told them they had to take me now because otherwise I would go back on the run.
Claire: Yes, they surrounded my house for a probation Violation, they forcibly came into my home with dogs, guns pulled and about 5-7 undercover cars outside of my home. It was very scary for my family. My mother was crying, my younger siblings were in a state of distress and I couldn't believe that it was actually happening!!

JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall.
Christian: Court was easy, it was a cake walk. There were all these other people that were getting huge sentences. I was sure the judge was going to throw the book at me. I was sentenced to 1 year.
Claire: it was very intimidating. you are shackled at the ankles and then handcuffed to another inmate, you all walk together like the chain game while being escorted by a few correctional officers. The process takes about 20 minutes to get everyone situated and ready for transportation. I remember my ankles hurting from the shackles.

JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of?
Christian: My original charge was criminal non-support and that is what I was convicted of.
Claire: My first Original Charges were delivering, manufacturing, and distribution of a controlled substance and escape from custody and then in 2009 I was arrested again for possession of a controlled substance and escape from custody again, and I was charged with all of the above.

Read about sentencing in the St Louis County Jail