JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Karl: Obviously if there is going to be that many
people, yeah, but not to the point where I was
fighting or feared for my life. It's just hard
to deal with people and get along with certain
people. For the most part I didn't find it hard
to get along with others. Christine: Some of them were intimidating . The regulars I guess have
made a home there. They know the routines and they claim
the jail as theirs . You don't really have a choice . For me it
was my first time there for along period of time ( more than a
week ) . There is a certain way your expected to act if you
don't your gonna have problems . I was lucky to be out in a
pretty good pod . Most of the girls didn't have problems with
me . I had to be real careful not to get to comfortable with
anyone at first . After awhile you just adapt I guess . Drew: No I did not socialize with many inmates usually
kept to my self. I only talked to inmates in my
room. and kept away from any affiliated with
gangs.. /
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Karl: As far as that goes, unless you really
disrespect somebody or have a beef on the
streets with somebody, its not really hard to
avoid fights. Trading stuff with other people
helps. Don't act like you own the place. Christine: Just stay mutual . Don't pick one side or another . Be yourself
and don't act like a bad ass . Be real , once your seen as fake
people start talking . Hold your ground . If your seen as weak
or stupid people will take advantage of that . Sure when you
first go in , some are sympathetic , they help you out . After a
week it's time to accept the consequences and move forward . Drew: Kept to myself did my school work all day. and
reed books all day, School was monday to
thursday from 7 - 3 with two hour lunch so that
and home work really kept me busy most of time
and i think i read like 12 novels in jail. .
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Karl: No choice. The pods are so overcrowded that a
lot of people are on the floor on a "boat",
which is a plastic bed you put your mattress in
and it resembles a boat. The cells are made for
2 but a lot of times there were 3 sharing a cell. Christine: No , the assign cells . They have a list and just assign you
where they want . After you have been there awhile and get to
the CO's they are a little more lenient on where they put you . Drew: no, Jail was overcrowded many inmates kepts
coming in as soon as others where released or
moved, Every week we had at least a few inmates
leave and new ones come in.