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Interview with Karl, Christine and Drew

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Karl: Yes. They constantly have air going so its constantly cold, and I got sick a lot. Even if you need something OTC you could get it without being charged.
Christine: Yeah we had sick call , but we had to see a nurse first .
Drew: Im diabetic so yes i would go to medical twice a day for insulin and med cart showed up twice a day

JM: How did you get your medications?
Karl: Nurse with a cart. They call medlines or if you are in lockdown she goes from cell to cell.
Christine: Well I didn't take meds , but my friends would wait in line with all the others and just take them in front of the nurse .
Drew: Med cart would show up and I would be allowed to walk to medical for insulin. every one had meds available

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Karl: I really didn't see anybody get punished for that, except one guy smoking a cigarette got wrote up and locked down for the day. I didn't see a lot of drugs there.
Christine: The program that I was in was zero tolerance . They would do drug test randomly and if you came up positive you would just be kicked out .
Drew: Not sure what would happent but i did see some people get removed from pod for drugs but would not know what their punishment would be.

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