JM: How long was your sentencing for? Karl: I just had a hold for messing up my hold, until
I did the drug counseling in there. I was in
there between 3-4 weeks, close to a month. A
little more than halfway through they got me
into the program. I got kicked out because
there wasn't enough room for me, and then I got
shipped off to another jail. I was let out on
the ankle bracelet for 3 months after I got out
of jail. Christine: 90 days suspended with 1year probation . Since I violated I got
the full 90 days . Drew: 10 Months with good time served 5 months
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Karl: When I first got arrested, I sat in booking for
2-3 hours because nobody knew I was there. Then
after getting processed into the 3-4 hours
before going to segregation to be classified,
for between 12 and 24 hours. The holding cell
is cold, you sit on the cement, no shoes,
crowded, stinky. There is one toilet in there.
They also have single holding cells also. 5-20
people in the group holding cell. I spent time
in both because of overcrowding. Christine: Yes, I spend time in the holding underneath the courthouse . It
wasn't good . They left me there four hours by myself . It was
cold and dirty . I just stayed in a corner , and didn't touch
anything . It was depressing . Drew: No Jail was overcrouded, Was in Seg on floor of
pod. Was there for 3 days very stressfull
because, since we had no cell we had to sit on
mat on floor all day where only allowed to get
up and walk twice a day for 30 min unless we
needed restroom. After 3 days was moved to
General population was there for 5 days then i
was moved to school pod.