Interview with CC, Kurt, Kimberly, Karen, Ben, John, Ashley and Michelle
JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. CC: yes and no keep to myself, but there are bullies
and intimidators Kurt: No, but that's me personally. I make the best of
the situation I'm in. I make it a point to try
and get along with people. Kimberly: No, it wasn't too bad. A couple of girls who come
in right off street that are detoxing are going
through tough times and will try to start with
you. Karen: i get along well with most people as well as
being a trustee Ben: No no one messed with me I am not mister tough
guy but the one thing sbout jail you always see
someone you know and everytime I went to jail
they would put me in the worst spots but I knew
Half of the guys in the pod and they respected
me and liked me because I dont pretend to be
something I am not. John: Lots of personalitis to deal with a
tense times but i have aooth
character so i got along fine for The
most part isolated incodents
did occour but nothing major. Ashley: I didn't have any problems I just stayed to
myself and mind my own business , same thing like
on the streets , keep your mouth shut and nobody
gets hurt Michelle: No I'm a people person anyway plus its like
you become a family you have to stick
together all you have is eachother some don't
have no one in the real world so you form a
bond a lot of us been through the same
things and can relate
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? CC: you cant Kurt: Once they found out what I was in for they didn't
mess with me. My reputation preceeded me and that
was as someone who doesn't back down from a
fight. You have to stand up for yourself. You
might not ever get into a fight but you have to
act like you will. Kimberly: Bascially, you keep to yourself. Stay on your
bunk. When you get anything from the commis ,
stay on y our bunk, when you get commissary you
got to keep it hidden otherwise some of those
girls will ask you to share or try to take it
from you. Karen: na Ben: I usually just play chess, watch tv or sleep I
dont play cards that always seems to start
fights or basketball John: Mind business i didnt play cards or
try to make many friends just
basically be yourself if you were a wild
type person on The syreets
just know someone in jail may have
been wilder. Its more so about
respect ever Man gets it untill you
show ypu dont deserve it Ashley: I never had any problems with other inmates I
kept to myself and mind my own business and
didn't worry what was going on with the other
women it didn't concern me of affect me so I
stayed out of the way I avoided getting into
trouble and other inmates Michelle: Well a lot of times you had to stand your
ground not meaning get physical but stand
up for yourself if not they will take an
advantage of you but you should walk away
or get switch to another pod but mostly stay
to yourself that's the best thing you can do to
avoid a lot of drama
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? CC: no Kurt: Absolutely not. Kimberly: No you don't get to pick, they assign you. I
asked to be a trustee for because I was involved
in a non-violent crime. If they let you be a
trustee then you get to go to really nice pod.
You have to work to do laundry but you double
portions of food and stuff like that. Karen: yes after being there awhile once a month approx Ben: No And my cellmates changed about 4 times one of
the cellmates I had is in prison now and we
still write each other John: No cell i was in a dorm crowded and on
The floor.. The turn ovwr was
daily some bailed out aome cases
wernt to serious i saw many go
and come Ashley: no you could not choose your cellmate whoever was
put in the cell with you was not a choice it just
happen that was all that would happen if you got
along that was good Michelle: No you could not pick no cell mate you were
stuck with whoever they pit in there cell
mates change like you would change your
panties now sometimes if you have a family
member they will put you on the same pod