Interview with CC, Kurt, Kimberly, Karen, Ben, John, Ashley and Michelle
JM: How many different blocks were there? CC: county several floors, workhouse one marysville
many cottages withup to 400 women Kurt: 11 floors, four pods to a floor Kimberly: The place was so big I couldn't tell. My pod had
14 rooms with 2 people to a room. Karen: dont know Ben: 5 John: Dont remember ten floors in old
county Ashley: I don't remember all the different areas Michelle: There is the 2nd 3rd and 4 th floor for the
woman about 4 pods on each
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? CC: 5e, 7h, 5d, hale, kennedy, harmon east, rotc Kurt: Most of the pods had numbers except for the
medical pod and the psychiatric or solitary pod. Kimberly: No. Just A B C and so on. Karen: ? Ben: I have no idea John: Pods i first went to The third floor
were The inmayes nicknamed The
projects Ashley: c pod , d pod , h pod , the pod for pregnant
women Michelle: 2 a 2 b 2 c 3 a 3 b 3c and so on
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? CC: actually the workhouse was holding felons for
14days who were accused of murder w/ people who
were there for traffic violations WOW Kurt: If you were under a doctor's care or needed
medication you would be on the medical pod. If
you were having psychiatric problems or just
being disruptive you would be on the psych pod.
They also tried to segrate according to age.
There was under 35 and over 35.
On each pod, there were 24 cells. They were
supposed to be 1 man cells but they always
doubled up. There was at least 35 inmates at any
time. Kimberly: There are the trustee pods, psyhciatric pod,
medical unit, and the general population pod. In
county they seperate you with a different uniform
like if you were arrested for assaulting a police
officer or had a violent charge they give you a
different color. Karen: ? Ben: killers, rapest, petty theives and drug dealers John: I only remember The female floor aids
floor convit floor old Man
floor a you boy floor The tried to keep
seperation as much as guess
that was a good thingossible Ashley: c pod , d pod etc if you had mental health
issues, or was pregnant or the psych ward ,
sexual offenders , women who had harmed their
children , Michelle: Oh all types crack heads murders petty theft
to prostitution all mixed in together you could
be a celly with a serial killer for all you know
or a rapist yes there was woman charged with
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? CC: open showers food worse tv in county ok but so
loud you cant hear it anyways Kurt: Hard to say somethign nice. It was a fairly new
facility, just 5 yrs old which made it able to
maintain and keep it clean. The worst part about
it: you have to use the shower in front of
everyone else. That didn't bother me but I know
it was a problem for some guys. Kimberly: The nicest thing about the trustee pod was there
were no doors so it's not like you were locked
down. Also, that had down comforters and the
mattresses were really soft.
The worst part is that there were a lot of
people. There are only so many tables to go out
to and watch tv play cards. If they were full up
then you couldn't do anything. Karen: trustee pod was very nice Ben: C.O thinking he was better than everyone / And
there is nothing nice about the county jail John: worst was sleeping on floor due to
over crowding. Not The safest
environment to have inmate walking
over you to get to phone or
bathroom. The most pleasnt if any
was working in kitchen we had our own
pod which was kept cleaner we ate
better The kitchen was a privilage Ashley: there is nothing nice about jail, if it is I
didn't get to see that part of jail, you are
confide for a crime you committed and now you
have to do the time for the crime what else is
there to do , the guards have nasty attitudes and
treat you like a piece of garbage Michelle: Some you had wonderful correction officers
that still treated you like a human not just a
number and understood every body makes
mistakes then you had correction officers that
treated you like you were nothing they were
better but really they are probably just as bad
just ain't got caught yet