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Good Behavior

Interview with Jorge, Laura, Terry and Eva

JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior?
Jorge: Hell no I didnt get time off for good behavior.
Laura: No one gets off early for good behavior. If you don't have a specific time that you are court ordered to do you can get 2 for 1's. That means that you get 2 days on paper for every 1 day you serve. I did 9 months real time and got credit for 18 months on paper, however I had to get my lawyer to get me out on a suspended sentence. Which meant 2 more years on probation when I got out.
Terry: No. Tennessee does not allow behavioral allowances when you serve the minimum sentence.
Eva: No its atomatic 2 for 1 in davidson county unless the judge says otherwise

JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior?
Jorge: Your asking the wrong person that. I have absolutely no idea about how that works.
Laura: 2 for 1's I guess that's what they consider good behavior, but everyone gets that.
Terry: I believe you can get double time.
Eva: Good behavior is like up to 9 days for every 30 I think but only if your in on felony charges

JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior?
Jorge: Again I have no idea about any of that type of stuff.
Laura: Don't fight. Don't get any disciplinary forms.
Terry: You cannot smoke, smuggle food, rape, etc. All of these warrant the exact same punishment: 30 days in 'the hole', which is a tiny windowless cell, with five other guys.
Eva: Refusal of direct orders from the officers not doing your job.misbehaving and fighting. Personally I didn't see or know anyone who lost their good time that's normally for cca only

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