JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Jorge: during the pre-sentecing process I was taken in
from the holding tank to this other holding tank
and made to sit there on the hard concrete slab
that they call a bench for about 3 hours. Then
they came and took about 12 of us in front of
the judge where we were all givin the sentence
that the judge and the court paid lawyers had
already agreed to before even meeting us. In
other words we had no part in the decision
making process of our sentence. Then after all
that was done we were taken back to the holding
tank and givin a bologna sandwich and some stale
fritoes for lunch. Made to wait for a couple of
hours more than taken back to our holding tanks. Laura: I was out on bond, so no pre-jail time. Terry: I was taken from court, in a suit, to a holding cell where I was
harassed for my attire. Soon after my intake the other inmates
found out that one of the other prisoners was a presumed child
molester, so we all stood on the bench, facing the wall (no
witnesses) while he was beaten. Eva: The pre sentenceing process is long I set
in booking
for about 30 hours before I was
transported to the
jail facility were I set anither 31 days
before I could
even go to court to see if I would be
released or
sentenced. My court date was acrually
moved twice
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Jorge: No I didnt. Laura: No Terry: I was stopped for DUI. I was speeding after work going bar to bar. I
was in a bad frame of mind at that time, and was contemplating
suicide. The officer (Wallace) was quite nice to me and even
allowed me to smoke a final cig on the way into the justice center. Eva: I had a warrant for not going to court
after getting
out on bail. The police surronded my
house around
11pm and knocked on my door I was
allowed to
throw on clothes and was handcuffed
and led outside
in the rain for everybody to see. The
police were very
rude and said I resisted so they felt need
to be
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Jorge: It was very imbaressing since I wasnt allowed
to shower or shave or change my closes before
hand. Laura: I went to court several times over a 2 year period
before I was actually sentenced. Terry: Court in Tennessee is a good 'ol boy network. The best lawyer you
can have is one who knows all of the DAs. It is pretty much like
clique of gossipy girls. There was one lawyer in there (DUI Mike,
RIP) who was selling t-shirts that with the number .08. Eva: Court was dreadful I set in a holding cell
for about 7
hours before I talked to anybody mental
health came
and evaluated me said I was a good
However my judge. Judge evans said no
that I was a
drug addict despite no drug charges and
immediatly put my sentence in effect
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Terry: DUI second offense - convicted Eva: Shopliffting. Theft under 500.. I was
convicted of
failure to comply on unsupervised