JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Jorge: Yes but it was collect only Laura: Yes. They sucked. Some worked really well. Some you
could barely hear on. Unless you know peoples
landline phone numbers or knew people that have
globeltel on their cell phones you couldn't really
call many people. So plan ahead before you go, write
down the important numbers that you need. Terry: There were 5 telephones for 200+ inmates that would not allow
you to call to cell numbers. Eva: Yes in my pod we had to form a line and
each got a
turn if you wanted more time you went
to the back of
the line
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Jorge: I think it was something like $2.50 a minute Laura: Don't know I didnt pay the bill. Terry: I believe it was $2 a minute, but it may have been more. We were
only allowed 5 minuted a day. Eva: I spent around 50$ a week in the beging
its 3$ a call
when you put money on the outside but
through a
calling card through comminsary you got
13 calls for
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Jorge: No you just pick up the phone and dial the
number and then an operator comes on and asks
you your name Laura: You couldn't when I was there. Terry: No. All calls were collect, and done by a combo of fingerprint and
PIN. Eva: Yes or somebody could put money on
their phone
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Jorge: I'm sure they did but I cant really prove it. Laura: I don't know. Terry: Yes. They screen all calls. Eva: It says that they do I know they record
every call by
your oca number