JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Jorge: Well lets see....we had cards and t.v. ypu
thats about it. Laura: TV. If the weather is good you get to go outside
during the morning for an hour. This means walking
around in circles in a chain link fence area. Yay. Terry: They offered us children's books, the Bible, church. You could do a
Psych visit, and get meddded out for your duration. You worked,
which could be a job doing food service (like I did) or a cozy job
like tending Metro's horses where the 'boss' would buy you cigs,
and let you fuck your GF. Eva: Classes such as ged or culinary oytside
wreck the tv
working our assigned jobs were as mine
was work
release and of course the telephone we
also had
salon days to get your hair cut or
straitned. We also
had a library day once a week and then
the best
would be mail time
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Jorge: The mexicans pretty much ran everything there so
I didnt have any problem gaining acces to
whatever I wanted to do. Laura: There was no competition for entertainment. There
was one TV. the majority ruled. If we were lucky and
had a guard bring in a movie, we at least got to
watch something new. Terry: We had one TV in the common area. It turns out all inmates want
to watch is "Cops." When I was in the gym, that was gang
controlled, all they watched was music videos. At my "job", after I
was done feeding everyone, I was allowed to go into one of the TV
cells to watch the news. Eva: Yes the officer would take votes on what
we watched
on did majority rules plain and simple.
Its kind of like
veing in a hig school again but if you
were in the tv
area and talked you would have to go to
your cell and
if everyone did it would be turned off
there is also no
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Jorge: Nope O just did push ups and sit ups at my
convienience. Laura: No, the food is horrible so you don't exactly gorge
yourself. Lots of up and down stairs to get to your
room and back. Terry: No. You get maybe 1000 calories a day if you have no money on
your books, and exercise was the only thing that kept me sane. Eva: If you don't work yes because all you eat
is starch
and there isn't much room to move
personally I. Lost
weight but most people gain alot
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Jorge: THe day I was reliesed was the only time that I
got to go outside. Laura: Once per day if the weather was agreeable. Terry: I never went outside, except for work. To exercise, I would walk up
and down stairs and do 100 push ups a day just to keep sane. Eva: Outside wreck is for one hour a day
weather permitting you could walk and
play basketball and anything that didn't
involve touching or being to agressive on
days you stay in you can walk around the
top tier or home workouts in your cell
but that's it
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Jorge: Yes I believe that they did offer church
services several times a week but I cant tell
you what they were like because I never attended
any of them. Laura: Yes. They were weird, and heaven for bid if you were
some other religion than what came that day. I am
catholic and no options were offered for me. Terry: They did. I never went. A lot of people would go just to get out of
their cells. It seemed like it was forced. Eva: Yes most of them are great and there are
a lot of different ones that come so it
was pretty much everyday if not
everyother day and sometimes twice