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Visitor Policy

Interview with Jorge, Laura, Terry and Eva

JM: How often could you receive visitors?
Jorge: Well since I didnt know anyone in town I didnt have anyone ever come to visit me so I dont really know anything about visitation.
Laura: Twice a week. 2 people could come each time for 45 minutes.
Terry: One day a week I could have 15 minutes of visitation. And that is if I was not on job duty at the time.
Eva: You got visits Twice a week in regular pods unlesd you had your visitaions taken for misbehavior.

JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you?
Jorge: No one ever came to see me not even my sorry ass court appointed lawyer.
Laura: Yes. It would take my family all day to come see me. They would have to wake up super early to start calling to get on the list. Then they would have to show up 45 minutes before the actual visitation time to make sure that they got "patted" down properly.
Terry: I believe it was mostly just questioning and a quick pat down. I have never heard any complaints from anyone who visited me at all.
Eva: Yes you had be 45 minitutes to an hour early to sign in then wait after that you would go through a metal detector and be searched

JM: What was the visiting environment like?
Jorge: I have absolutely no idea what that was like
Laura: You sat across from your loved ones. You can't touch. You are seated next to other inmates so your conversation is not 100% confidential. After the visit you get strip searched to make sure that you are not smuggling things back into jail.
Terry: It was a barren room with cafeteria like tables. It had two vending machines, where your family could buy you crap, the same exact crap you could get from the commissary - only cheaper. No one could touch you, not even a hug. And it is the one place where people felt secure enough to cry.
Eva: Pretty uncomfortable because noone wants to see you locked up and you don't want to be seen locked up. However it can make it easier and give you something to look forward to. If there was enough visitors you would be in a big room and sit across from each other there are no contact visits if its 3 or less you sit behind glass to talk

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