JM: How many meals did you get per day? Jorge: we got three meals per day Laura: 3 the first meal of the day being around 4:30am. oh,
and I hope you like bologna!! Terry: Because I worked in food service I got 4. Eva: 3 breakfast is at like 3:30 am lunch
around 11and dinner around 5pm also
called chow
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Jorge: I rate the food on a scale of sorry to wheres
the geniva convention Laura: Bleh. Bleh, Bleh. Cafeteria food leftovers. Terry: I used to love bologna, now I don't. We had watery eggs and
powdered coffee for breakfast. Bologna for lunch. And for Dinner
we got fake meat. I know it is fake from working the food service
there, and from working food service for 15 years on the outside.
it is all textured vegetable protein so they can conform to religious
dietary concerns. Eva: 1 because they just make up anything
I've found plastic in my meat before or
the sandwhiches would be old and stale
its a lot of rice and beans they served
meatloaf before that I still believe to this
day was dog food it looked and even
smelled lile it. And lunch is the same
everyday a meat sandwich and
peanutbutter and jelly
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Jorge: nope not a one Laura: Bologna is definitely everywhere.. don't think I can
ever eat it again. Terry: For the most part it was all terrible. the only exception was
oranges. I think that was the only real food we got, and it was a
hot commodity. Eva: Breakfast was the best the sausage and
cereal I avsolutly hated the dinner with
the rice and beans or noodles with last
weeks food mixed in
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Jorge: the only snakcs the an imate would get were the
ones the he either bought thru comissary or got
from another inmate. Laura: No snacks offered, but commissary is available to
purchase if you have money on your books. Terry: Yes. You could order food from the commissary if you had money.
It was ridiculously expensive. Two dollars for a pack of ramen
noodles, a dollar for a fun size bag of chips. It was robbery. Eva: Only if you bought it comminsary its
almost the same price as food on the
outside its what everyone looks forward
to getting a lot of people only want the
cokes because you only get koolaid for a