Interview with Ricardo, Lori, Carlos, Kirk, Tyler, Tami, Enrique and Anna
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Ricardo: You get two for one day for good behavior, 3 for
1 if working as a trustee. Lori: I was in the jail as my parents did not want to take
me out. I was released as i had an attorney at that
time that got me out earlier... Carlos: You can but you have to kiss ass. Doing
your time behaving is not enough Kirk: No they offer a trustee program that makes your time count
double if you work but that's only if your sentenced to county
time Tyler: no I didn't get out early I had to hire a
attorney to get me out on P.R bond. Tami: I did not get to leave jail until my judge had
decided to let me go. Enrique: You can work to get time or credit i was
considered maximum security so i did not get much
time out to work but did it when ever i had the
chance. Anna: For my misdemeanors I recieved good time due to
the fact that I was working. Yes
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Ricardo: 3 for one days working in the county jail
kitchen or downtown cleanup program. Lori: one time only. I have never and hope never to
return. Carlos: I believe depending on your charges
between 15%-50% Kirk: I don't know the answer Tyler: for every two days you do good you get 1 day off. Tami: i bleieve for every 2 days spent you get 1 day off
for good behavior Enrique: As long as you keep going you could get credit or
time off for working i dont believe there was a
limit. Anna: one third of your sentence
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Ricardo: Stay out of peoples way, dont complain that you
miss home, dont get involved in other folks
business, dont get into fights. Lori: I do not recall any time off...we were rewarded or
regarded well if we possibly listened and followed
through with our suggestions, I have the keen
remembrance of what/who/nature and I was treated
but well I did not to perceived Carlos: Got to avoid fights but like i said you
gotta kiss ass Kirk: Stay out of fights don't get written up for anything they will
write you up super quick for dumb stuff if you do t have you
uniform on or for yelling Tyler: the types of action you have to take is ask the
sheriff if you can be a trustee and help around
your cell, for example serving food etc. Enrique: Yes you need to stay clean and not lose your
temper not fight or break any of the rules
depending on the severity of the rule you broke
you could lose you good time. Anna: You cannot get written up for major cases, if
you are working you have to work and attend your
job on a regular basis. No fighting