Interview with Ricardo, Lori, Carlos, Kirk, Tyler, Enrique and Anna
JM: How many different blocks were there? Ricardo: There were 8 floors and about 6 blocks per floor
that housed about 36 inmates. Lori: one for MH based individuals/regular/federal
separation according to charge on record Carlos: Its hard to tell. Some jails are built to
disarroint you Kirk: In the annex there are 3 units with 4 blocks each and each
block has 6 pods Tyler: there where a lot,,, ten plus floors Enrique: there were two units A block and C block Anna: There are 9 cell blocks on each floor that hold
different capacities
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Ricardo: Blocks went by letters. A-G. Lori: It has been 17 years..I do not recall...nick names
maybe as i do not recall fully Carlos: Usually called cell blocks or tanks Kirk: A unit C unit and lock down each block is numbered 100
through 1200 Tyler: they didn't have names, they where all numbers
and letters. Enrique: A unit was considered the jungle due to the fact
that it held the black inmates. Anna: they call the cell blocks by numbers, they start
at 10 and go up to 90 in multiples of 10.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Ricardo: Blacks were seperated and so were the
transvestites. Lori: according to disorder and type of charge...mental
health not recall who/what/where...I know
that the federal block were the hardened
criminals...they were sometimes so normal looking
and even attractive. In my case I felt forced to
mix...scarier criminal... Carlos: Gang members drug addicts domestic
violence car thieves burglars Kirk: African Americans are primarily housed in A unit and inmates
affiliated with the barrio azteca gang are kept in C unit
lockdown is for disciplinary inmates or psych inmates whites
and Mexicans are dispersed throughout the jail Tyler: in other blocks separated from the regular
population there where inmates that where in
lockdown, and those people are either dangerous
people or they are at risk, of getting hurt . Enrique: C unit was made up of Mexicans and A unit was made
up of black and as well as white inmates that
considered them selves black and any mexican that
was not gang related and could be around the black
inmates. Anna: they have maxium security, medium security, and
minimum security. If you were maximum security
you are only allowed to be housed with maximum
security inmates, medium and minimum were
allowed to be housed together.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Ricardo: The nicest thing about different blocks was that
they were all clean, worst was that peoples
tempers would flare and fights would break out
at the drop of a dime. Lori: nothing at all...other than that their was a
separation. I knew a lot about the MH unit being
like total isolation which is considered a poor
way of dealing with those with active diagnosis.
Nice was not the word...orderly like empty space
was what jail was like and how the inmates
overcame a really bad situation Carlos: Nothing nice and the people sucked Kirk: In population you live in a 6 man cell a 24 man tank the doors
during the day are locked and periodically opened to allow you
to go In or out it is supposed to be hourly but usually isn't I
lockdown is single man cells some have showers in them you
are allowed a hour out of your cell everyday Tyler: the blocks that where regular population where
okay because you get to talk to people and
sometimes you have access to the yard to go play
basketball outside depending on who is
supervising the area, some other blocks tough
wont let you go out due to being real violent and
those blocks are separated. Enrique: C unit was cleaner and made up of lots of inmate
rules put in to place to keep it clean and the
other inmates from causing harm to any other
imates. We had rules so people could live as
comfortable as possible. Keeping you area clean
and personal hygene were the main rules in C unit. Anna: The nicest part of certain cell blocks was that
the cell block was a 8 man tank. An 8 man tank
consisted of 8 small rooms to where each inmate
had their own room with a toliet and a sink and
a desk. The worst part of the other cell blocks
is that they hold 16 females, so you are 4 to a