Interview with Ricardo, Lori, Carlos, Kirk, Tyler, Enrique and Anna
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Ricardo: 3 meals a day. Lori: three...and purchased snacks if family brought you
money Carlos: 3 disgusting meals Kirk: You get 3 meals each day Tyler: we ate 3 meals a day Enrique: They gave you three meals a day. Anna: You are given 3 meals a day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Ricardo: I would rate the meals edible. Lori: not the best edible barely...ate but had to eat food
even if you did not want to...only form
ofsubstinance...others did not want i at
burritos and other quasi mexican food as expected
while living on the border...I thought the bread was
only a token of my appreciation. Thank God. Carlos: Nasty alot of balogney sandwiches Kirk: The food is ok tasteless but the portions are so small that it
looks like elementary school kids get fed more sometimes
when they are having a tour of the jail you will actually get a
full tray of food but that is rare they always are telling us they
are trying to increase the portions but they jail is broke Tyler: sometimes the food was good, sometimes it was
fresh ready made . and sometimes it was cold and
not cooked right, for example the first day I was
there they gave me a bologna sandwich that had
mold on the bread it was pretty bad and I had to
ask for another one Enrique: Horrible that was the worst part of jail there was
no flavor the beans had rocks in them you would
chip you teeth the portions were smaller than they
give in elementary school. It usually had no
flavor if any most of the time it looked really
gross it was the same thing every week and you
would find hair and even a piece of rag was found
it the cake. Anna: The food is terrible. The meals usually consist
of potatoes and beans, some meat is used in the
meals, but sometimes you would recieve a plate
with no meat at all, just potatoes with sauce.
They also would serve sandwiches twice a week
with a small bag of chips that was best meal we
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Ricardo: Least favorite food would have to be the rice
and beans with tacos. Hard, almost to the point
of dehydrated. Lori: do not recall too long ago...rubbery food with bland
tasting areas to even enjoy the taste of the food
and what nutrition it was. Carlos: Breakfast cause i got milk Kirk: Every Wednesday and Sunday you would get a sandwich with
chips and cake that would be my favorite the least favorite
would have to be waffles Tyler: my favorite where the hamburgers they had once a
week, they where pretty good, the ones I didn't
like where the ones in the morning for breakfast
it was egg with potato was not cooked right Enrique: Breakfast was the most desirable part of the meals
they had what they would call SOS which was
usually my favorite. It was ground beef and
potatoes in a gravy sauce usually if the potatoes
were not raw or spoiled it was fairly good. Anna: LOL my favorite was the Wednesday dinner and
Sunday lunch, which was a sandwich and a small
bah of chips.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Ricardo: Yes if you can afford commissary there is all
types of junk food soups,candy, coffee, socks
etc. The gang is going to take a about 3
dollars for the indigent folks. You got a
problem with that well you know were that leads. Lori: you had to buy by commissary and I was grateful for
occasional snacks and yes, it may be costly but
worth. only thing to really look forward to in
jail...some got more treats as they had the money
others just looked on. Carlos: Not that expensive but you need alot of
support from family Kirk: No snacks other than commissary which is very overpriced for
a cup of soup it's 1.10$ there is a nice selection of food though
and your family can send you care packages through the
commisarry vendor Tyler: there was no other snacks besides sometimes
little bags of chips, commissary was pretty good
you can get chocolates, chips soups and anything
pretty much you want , you can also get sodas and
coffee Enrique: Commissary was offered every week one time the
prices were usually expensive but it not like you
really had a choice. Hygiene was the most
important thing after that snacks came next one
cup of soup was a dollar. Nothing was really less
than a dollar coffee being the most expensive at 12.00 Anna: You were allowed to purchase snacks off the
commissary but the prices are crazy! They charge
1.50 for a candy bar, 1.40 for a cupcake, 1.80
for a soda, so if you or your family were unable
to buy stuff then you rarely ate any snacks.