JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Roxie: If you have a loved one entering Butte County
Jail, at least on the women's side - the custody
staff when I was there were very nice,
considerably. Mail, phone calls, and visits are
precious commodities, and can make all the
difference in the world to someone confined behind
bars. I could do the time standing on my head, if
it weren't for the fact that I was separated from
my family, primarily my children. Jaime: Its a horrible jail, please believe what they tell you about it,
they are not making it up. Make an effort to send them mail
on a regular basis, it really helps.
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Roxie: Do not go in with the mindset that it is them against you; that is
simply not the case. For the
most part, you are the reason you are there - it
is not the jail's fault. If you give them the
benefit of the doubt, and treat them as you would
like to be treated, you will receive respect and
even compassion. I absolutely did. My time went
by fairly quickly and easily because I did what
was suggested to me; I listened to whom I trusted;
and I took advantage of what they did offer to
pass the time. I respected the staff and received
the same in return. I wrote my family
consistently; and I journaled so that I could
record the growth and change taking place within
me while I was there. My time there definitely
was not wasted. Jaime: Wear shower shoes in shower always. Try to sleep away as
much of your time as possible. If you know you are going
there, go in wearing multiple layers of socks, underwear and
a couple underwire free bras(if female)
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Roxie: I spent 13+ years in Valley State Prison for Women
in Chowchilla. Jaime: Drug abuse prevention center, longview washington