JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Roxie: On 01/02/1998, I was responsible for the death of
4 people when I chose to drive while drunk. I was
remanded to jail on 06/30/98, tho not yet charged.
I pled no contest and was convicted of gross
vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated on
08/27/98. Was sentenced to 15-years to life and
transferred to Valley State Prison for Women in
September, 1998. Jaime: Booked into jail, fingerprinted, mugshots, dressed down,
taken from holding cell to an actual pod after several hours.
Given a mattress and bedding. The pod was overcrowded
and several people were sleeping on the floor. Arraignment
was the next day. I had a public attorney appointed and was
given my next court date. At my next court date i entered the
courtroom thinking i was being charged with 13 counts and
left charged with 27. The prosicutor was seeking an
exceptional sentence(above the usual sentencing range) i
had several more court dates and a hired attorney. I fought
the exceptional sentence. Eventually when they gave me an
offer of a plea bargain(36 months prison to plead guilty to 8
counts, all property crimes) i accepted it.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Roxie: No, I was investigated primarily by the California
Highway Patrol. I was hospitalized for some time
after the crash. They came to the hospital on
more than one occasion. After my release, I would
go to them for interviews while they conducted
their investigation. I appeared in court on
06/30/98 for a violation of probation as I was on
probation for a prior DUI when the crash happened.
The judge, being informed that I had not yet been
charged, remanded me to jail. I was charged while
in jail. The CHP were very supportive, and
sympathetic. They told me they did not believe I
was a 'flight risk' and assured me on numerous
occasions that, once their investigation was
complete, they would contact me and have me come
into the CHP office where I would be formally
arrested. They did not want my children to see me
arrested, nor did I. Jaime: Yes, local police, and federal officers stopped by on a few
different occasions before i was arrested. They also stopped
by and pulled me out of my cell for questioning a few times at
various hours. Each time i told them i no nothing. I knew i
was going to be arrested for about 3 months, ever since they
took stuff into evidence, that it was just a matter of time.
Eventually they came and arrested me.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Roxie: To be perfectly honest, I do not have a lot of
memory about my court appearances. As I pled no
contest, there was not a trial. My court
appearances were few. The first one, of course,
was scary and confusing, as I appeared in muni
court, and was transferred to Superior Court where
I was remanded. I had attempted to inform the
muni court previously of the impending charges,
but the told me they weren't concerned. So, when
I went that day for the violation, I believed an
arraignment would be set, I would be assigned a
Public Defender and return at a later date to be
charged. Appearing in court each time in an
orange jumpsuit, I began to feel inhuman - a cross
between invisible and a flashing red light, if
that makes any sense. It definitely was surreal;
like being in a TV movie. Everything I knew and
believed shifted to the unknown. Though it seemed
we would wait hours for our appearance, the actual
court time passed very quickly. I never really
believed I was heard in court (though I was
definitely pleading guilty or no contest), it all
happened 'around me'. I wanted to let my victims'
family know sorry I was, and to allow them to be
heard as well. It didn't seem like that happened.
It seemed like the victims were actually left out
of the whole process, and were victimized once
again. Jaime: Waiting nervously in a holding cell with other inmates waiting
to be called before a judge. Then my name was called and i
knew the prosacutor was recomending only 36 months(and
restitution and post prison supervision etc.), but that the judge
by no means had to follow that recomendation. The judge
gave a lengthy lecture before sentencing me. She said(im
totally paraphrasing this) that i deserve a much longer
sentence and at first there wa no way she was going to only
sentence me to 36 months, but upon further consideration,
she realized people like me always get out and do the same
things again. She said that when i get out ill eventually get
caught and then she will sentence me to such a long time ill
have grandkids when i get out.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Roxie: There was original discussion of first degree
murder, then 2nd degree murder. Although I had
informed my PD I was pleading guilty, no matter
what (because I was absolutely guilty of driving
while drunk and causing death), the DA offered one
count of 291.5 (Gross Vehicular Manslaughter while
intoxicated, with prior DUIs) which carried a
sentence of 15-years to life. They could have
charged me with 4 counts and ran them
consecutively, they said. Jaime: Identity theft
Possession stolen property
(these are all property crimes, but shortly before this identity
theft was reclassified as a person to person crime)
I was charged on a state level, then the feds were going to
take over and didnt at the last minute